For those who like intellectual, analytical takes on Peanuts, next year will bring Blockheads, Beagles, and Sweet Babboos: New Perspectives on Charles M. Schulz’s Peanuts, and university press book. The author, Michelle Ann Abate, is an Ohio State University professor who has released a healthy number of books on the …
With my publisher hat on, I just launched our Cyber Monday sale, offering 9 different titles in PDF format for $5 apiece. While some of these are about half the price that I’ve sold these ebooks for before, the two that will be of interest to Schulz fans I’ve never …
You would think that I would’ve had a blog post ready to go for this monumentous day, the 100th anniversary of the birth of Charles M. Schulz. But no, I am sitting here on the day, chewing on leftover turkey and putting together my thoughts. And certainly, Schulz has had …
I, your friendly neighborhood AAUGH Blogger, had a six minute conversation about Peanuts on Minnesota’s mighty WCCO radio during drive time this morning. You can listen to it here. Blog reader Asher sent inĀ query about whether there were any Black Friday sales on Peanuts stuff, particularly Peanuts books. I …
Saturday is the 100th anniversary of Charles Schulz’s birth, and cartoonists have decided to celebrate it. Egged on by Mutts creator Patrick O”Donnell and Jumpstart’s Robb Armstrong, over 80 cartoonists have decided to include some Peanuts reference, whether obvious or vague, in their Saturday strip. Pick up your local paper …
I’m a Peanuts book collector. Now, that should come as no surprise to the readers of this blog. But occasionally I point out that I am not a “Peanuts collector”. I certainly accumulate other Peanuts stuff, but the thing I am aiming to be a completist on is books. And …
I’ve written before about how there is a modern method of commercial caricaturing that quite often works. Just as Al Hirschfeld could with some sweeping lines capture the key parts of a Broadway actor to make them instantly recognizable while utterly stylized, so too can a Funko Pop version of …
I like to believe that I am both an ethical and non-hypocritical blogger. That requires me to hold myself and my projects to the same standards that I hold others. Usually, that’s easy. But today? AAUGH Blog Reader Ryan pointed me to a sales listing to the ebook edition of …
Out TODAY is Charles M. Schulz: The Art and Life of the Peanuts Creator in 100 Objects. This is the Schulz Museum project that I cowrote with Benjamin L. Clark. Amazon is showing signs of having trouble keeping up with demand (they’re giving me an expected delivery time of 2-5 …