Animated Peanuts

MAJOR CORRECTION – It’s Tokyo NOT coming to video

I’ve been contacted by a friend within the Peanuts organization, letting me know that despite what I posted earlier, It’s Tokyo, Charlie Brown is not in production as an animated release. At this point, it is coming out only as an original graphic novel. You readers and everyone at Peanuts …

Upcoming releases

Counting down the days to advent

Well, it’s only April, but you can already preorder the Peanuts Christmas Advent Calendar, and get it in June… just in time for Christmas-in-July! Please note that this is Peanuts Christmas, not A Charlie Brown Christmas, which is a licensing matter. But it’s not really about  A Charlie Brown Christmas, …

Upcoming releases

A nicely big book coming on Peanuts animation

Coming in November, in time for gift giving (or gift requesting!) is The Art and Making of Peanuts Animation, a 160-page hardcover from Chronicle Books. It’s written by Charles Solomon, who has written several earlier significant books on animation. It ain’t cheap, but I’m betting it’ll be purty.

Animated Peanuts

New Peanuts video and books – It’s Tokyo, Charlie Brown

MAJOR CORRECTION: (APRIL 12, 2012) THE POST BELOW WAS IN ERROR. IT’S TOKYO WILL BE AN ORIGINAL GRAPHIC NOVEL; IT IS NOT IN PRODUCTION AS AN ANIMATED VIDEO. See here for details. Coming this November is a new Peanuts animated special, direct-to-video… and the book adaptation to go with it! …

Upcoming releases

from the vaguely-Peanuts-related column

Coming in October is Quilt It with Love: The Project Linus Story: 20+ Quilt Patterns & Stories to Warm Your Heart, a paperback book from the President and Vice President of the Peanuts-inspired charity that provides security blankets. And even if you preorder it now for a healthy discount, part …


Franklin on the front

In email exchanges with some folks, I’ve noted how Franklin, who up until now hadn’t gotten on the front cover of any books unless there were a fair number of other characters, is suddenly getting solo treatment. He’s on the cover of the newest Complete Peanuts volume: And he’s on …

Upcoming releases

Upcoming Peanuts book news and notes

While yesterday’s announcement of Charlie Brown’s Christmas Stocking was certainly my favorite Peanuts book news of the year (forgive a proud papa), there’s other bits of news and notes popping up. The Complete Peanuts volume 18 and the boxed set of 17& 18 are now available for preorder. The Charlie …

Upcoming releases

Nat’s new Peanuts Christmas book

Coming in November is a book with genuine Charles Schulz Peanuts Christmas stories that most of you have never read before. Charlie Brown’s Christmas Stocking is a book that I’m putting together to be published by Fantagraphics, the folks who publish The Complete Peanuts. It features two Christmas stories that …

Upcoming releases

Snoopy Dog Biscuits – the book!

Coming this December (and preorderable now), it’s Snoopy Dog Biscuits, a book of recipes. This hardcover, written by former USA Today food editor (which sounds like a great job description there – I mean, editing food! “Pump up the corn. Stet the lime beans. The paprika lacks motivation – work …

Upcoming releases

Peanuts Zombies

I do not understand the workings of some of the automated systems of the book industry. Every once in a while, a publisher for some reason announces a book that never actually gets published. I’ve done it, it happens. In some cases, these fictional books are always on file, marked …