Upcoming releases

More Peanuts comic books en route

Coming up starting in August are four more monthly issues of Peanuts comic books from Kaboom. They are restarting with issue #1 again, calling this “volume 2”. As with volume 1, each issue will have a rarer alternative cover edition, featuring a Peanuts character as they looked at their debut. …

Animated Peanuts

Next DVD is Snoopy 2 Go

Coming in October is Go Snoopy Go, the latest DVD in the Happiness Is… Peanuts series. These disks pair one special (in this case, It’s Spring Training, Charlie Brown) with one episode of The Charlie Brown and Snoopy Show (the one with the stories “Blanket”, “Peppermint Patty”, and “Rainy Day”), …

Upcoming releases

Peanuts the comic book book book 2

Coming in March: Peanuts Vol. 2, presumably reprinting the next batch of the Ka-Boom Peanuts comic books. (Not that it’s actually news that there will be Peanuts books next year. The sound-button version of Easter Beagle had already been solicited, making for Peanuts book next year, and I’m preeeeeeetty sure …

Upcoming releases

Charlie Brown and Snoopy are trapped in a sealed ball of water

Here we have a picture of the upcoming A Charlie Brown Christmas Snow Globe Mini Kit, which includes a small snow blog and a 32 page booklet with color illustrations – which means it’s likely an abridgement of the 48 page adaptation of A Charlie Brown Christmas that Running Press …

Upcoming releases

The Zipper on My Bible is Stuck at Beaglefest

Both of the books I’m debuting at Beaglefest were, as I noted, samples which I designed when trying to pitch gift books to publishers targeting the Christian specialty market.  God’s Children, which I discussed in an earlier message, was to be calm and black-and-white. But I wanted a sample in …

Upcoming releases

I’m bringing God’s Children to Beaglefest

Remember how I said that I was bringing two new books to Beaglefest? Here’s why… When I got the rights to publish Schulz’s Youth, the collection of cartoon panels that Schulz had done for Church of God (Danville) publications, they included the right to sublicense reprints, translations, abridgments, and so …

Upcoming releases

This cover is a Peanuts trivia quiz

This is, apparently, the real cover to Peanuts Volume 1, the upcoming collection of the recent Peanuts comic book run… or at least realer than the fill-in image they had (they’ve previously been showing the cover to Peanuts issue zero as the cover… including the $1 price. Sadly, this will …

Upcoming releases

Schulz writes another posthumous cookbook

About a year-and-a-half ago, I was discussing the rather unlikely book listing for a then-upcoming book on barbecue, supposedly written by the late great Charles M. Schulz himself. Well, it seems as if Sparky is at it again… at least if this link that eagle-eyed AAUGH Blog reader Scott sent …

Upcoming releases

Is it pictures that lie, or words

The words of the Amazon entry say that this upcoming product is named Snoopy’s Organic Dog Biscuit Kit, that it’s written by Snoopy, and that it has cookie cutters in the shape of a doghouse and Peanuts characters. The pictures on the Amazon entry show that it’s name Snoopy Dog …

Upcoming releases

  Here’s the cover for Snoopy’s Organic Dog Biscuit Cookbook Kit, shipping in October and preorderable now. The kit will come with Peanuts-themed cookie cutters. I gotta admit, seeing that “all recipes are free of wheat, corn & soy” instantly creates the image in my brain that it’s all rocks …