
Be covers to upcoming books

We’ve got covers for a couple of books that are coming out next February: Click on the covers to go preorder these books, or to go do other online shopping (we’re getting to the end of time when you can order with their free super-saver shipping and still get the …

Upcoming releases

Stickers and comics snickers

Coming in July is Peanuts Stickers and Labels, a book of… well, I think the title doesn’t obscure the content particularly. And while I’m mentioning upcoming books, fans of the comic strip scene in general might want to get themselves Peanuts, Pogo, and Hobbes: A Newspaper Editor’s Journey Through the …

Upcoming releases

Peanuts comic book and DVD status

For folks who care about numbering: as you’ve probably noticed, the Peanuts comic books from Kaboom started with a run of issues 0 through 4, then after a gap on the schedule restarted with volume 2, #1-4 as monthly installments. Well, they won’t be restarting for Volume 3 anytime soon. …

Upcoming releases

Cover Time

We have a cover for the next Complete Peanuts:

Upcoming releases

Complete Peanuts 1987-1988 now preorderable

Now available for preorder is The Complete Peanuts volume 19: 1987-1988. The book can now be ordered at full list price of $28.99 – which is a good thing. Why? Because in my experience with Amazon, if you preorder something that costs more than $25, and the price dips before …

Upcoming releases

Peanuts comic book issue 3 preview

Rather than reviewing the Peanuts comic book that is released tomorrow, here is the first few pages for you to judge for yourself! (Click any image to enlarge.)

Upcoming releases

Preview of CB Christmas Stocking

Fantagraphics has put up a nifty preview for Charlie Brown’s Christmas Stocking, which is due to come out late next month. Go watch it! I’m quite happy with the result, but it’s always sort of odd to explain my pride in a project like that, because I did, well, the …

Upcoming releases

Peanuts comic book preview

Here, courtesy of the folks at Boom!, are the first few pages of the new Peanuts comic book (volume 2, issue 2), which should be hitting stores this week. And here’s the table of contents for the issue:

Upcoming releases

We now know Snoopy’s last name

Back in this post, I noted the conflicting signals about whether the upcoming book of dog biscuit recipes is written by Snoopy or by Charlie Brown. Well, just to complicate matters, the Amazon listing now says that the author is “Snoopy Snoopy”! The release date has also been pushed back …

Upcoming releases

What, no Paw-pets?

Running Press has announced another one of their “kits”, this one Peanuts Finger Puppet Theater: Starring Charlie Brown and Snoopy! (the exclamation point is theirs.) It’s getting listed in the book listings even though I’m not sure there’s a book involved. It has finger puppets of Charlie Brown and Snoopy, …