Upcoming releases

A close-up look at my work on Charlie Brown’s Christmas Stocking

Today’s work: looking at the artwork, trying to erase the stray dots that have been caused by printing and scanning and half a century of time passing, while not erasing stray dots actually caused by the ink pen of Charles M. Schulz. If he’d only signed each genuine stray dot, …

Upcoming releases

Free Peanuts comic book

Coming up this Saturday is one of the greatest holidays on the calendar – Free Comic Book Day! Just think about those words; is there any one of them not to like?   And to make it all the better, this time there’s a free Peanuts comic book to be …

Upcoming releases

First look at the next A Charlie Brown Christmas book edition

Christmas may only last twelve days, but our coverage of book editions of A Charlie Brown Christmas goes all year long! The next one coming up is a booklet that will come with a little A Charlie Brown Christmas snow globe. This ships in September, but you can preorder it …


Preorder the Art of Peanuts Animation now

At the moment, you can preorder The Art And Making of Peanuts Animation for $20.83, which is a pretty steep discount for a $40 book… and remember that if the price goes down at any time between now and when the book ships this fall, you’ll get that lower price. …

Upcoming releases

Easter Beagle sound button cover

I love writing headlines that sound like they came from a random word generator. Anyway, here is the cover for the next edition of the It’s the Easter Beagle, Charlie Brown adaptation, this one with buttons to push for sound and music. Preorder it now, get it next January, in …

Upcoming releases

Remember to stop by at LA Book Fest

A final reminder that I will be at the Los Angeles Times Festival of Books on the USC campus tomorrow and Sunday, in booth 860 (the CAPS booth). Stop by, say hi. I’ll have lots of books – plenty of copies of The Peanuts Collection (if you don’t have that), …

Upcoming releases

A pinker kind of Peanuts love

Cider Mill Press, which has already reprinted in the 1960s Peanuts book Love is Walking Hand in Hand, so doing it again… and upping the love intensity! That’s right! If the preview image is correct, you will have a Valentine’s Dayish color scheme, instead of the old version, which invoked …

Upcoming releases

Dog biscuits are nearer than you think

Sometimes I use this blog to tell you information that is interesting… dare I believe, at times even fascinating? But this time, I’m just telling you that the Snoopy Dog Biscuits Cookbook kit has been moved up from December to mid-October,. You’ll have time to make Peanuts character-shaped dog biscuits …

Upcoming releases


We’ve got the covers for the Peanuts books coming this fall from Fantagraphics: There’s The Complete Peanuts 1985-1986: andThe Complete Peanuts 1983-1986 boxed set: and the one that makes the little AAUGH Blogger extra-happy, the little gift book I’ve wanted to put together for years, Charlie Brown’s Christmas Stocking: All …

Animated Peanuts

Other inside info

While I was being corrected on the status of It’s Tokyo, Charlie Brown (and boy, did I not just end up with egg on my face there, I ended up with AAUGH on my face!), my inside source did let me in on some better information, and that’s about the …