Here’s the cover for the upcoming reissue of A Charlie Brown Christmas: The Making of a Tradition, which as the cover notes is by Lee Mendelson, and not (as the Amazon listing currently claims) by Charles M. Schulz.
Time Magazine has a book coming up announcing The 100 Most Influential People Who Never Lived – and the team of Charlie Brown and Lucy made the list! In a one-page essay written by Time‘s pop culture writer James Poniewozik, the book reflects not so much on them as individuals …
Coming in October is the Peanuts Christmas Cookie Set – that’s 50 recipes, plus cookie cutters in the shape of Snoopy, Charlie Brown, and a doghouse. And it’s all written by Charlie Brown. Now I never thought of ol’ Brownie Charles as a particularly good cookie baker… but then, I’d …
No, I don’t get to host a preview of the new issue here, but that’s because MTV Geek has the exclusive preview of it… and in this case, the story they run is the one that I helped Lex Fajardo write.
Here’s an upcoming book about Schulz that is so far from imminent, they’re still rounding up folks to write it. The Comics of Charles Schulz: The Good Grief of Modern Life is planned as a volume in a series “Critical Approaches to Comics Artists”, and is expected to contain various …
The good news is that Andrews & McMeel is getting back into the Peanuts book business, starting a line of strip reprints aimed at middle schoolers. The bad news – and it’s only bad news for one person (me) – is that their first book uses as a cover image …
There’s another all-new Peanuts graphic novel heading our way this fall. From the same folks who did It’s Tokyo, Charlie Brown comes The Beagle Has Landed, Charlie Brown!, a 96-page space travel-themed graphic novel in which Snoopy, the World Famous Astronaut, has to struggle not just with a planned trip …
Coming in September is Snoopy and Friends Cupcake Kit, which is showing up on book searches even though the closest thing it has to a book is a recipe card (oh, okay, part of the detail claims a 6 page book, but I have my doubts. Ever try to make …
We now have the covers for the next to books in the series if Be books that recently began: Be Thankful and Be Friends both be shipping September 3rd. And remember a few weeks back when I noted a new book titled A Charlie Brown Christmas by Charles M. Schulz …
“Peanuts by Shultz” – if you are like me, that headline made you flinch (also, you wear out your right sneaker much faster than your left, and you’re a little too fond of donuts, but that really doesn’t matter for the subject at hand.) If you’re a Peanuts fan and …