Upcoming releases

The Making of… a new cover

Here’s the cover for the upcoming reissue of A Charlie Brown Christmas: The Making of a Tradition, which as the cover notes is by Lee Mendelson, and not (as the Amazon listing currently claims) by Charles M. Schulz.

Upcoming releases

Charlie Brown and Lucy: Certified Influential

Time Magazine has a book coming up announcing The 100 Most Influential People Who Never Lived – and the team of Charlie Brown and Lucy made the list! In a one-page essay written by Time‘s pop culture writer James Poniewozik, the book reflects not so much on them as individuals …

Upcoming releases

Peanuts. Christmas. Cookies. What word could you not like?

Coming in October is the Peanuts Christmas Cookie Set – that’s 50 recipes, plus cookie cutters in the shape of Snoopy, Charlie Brown, and a doghouse. And it’s all written by Charlie Brown. Now I never thought of ol’ Brownie Charles as a particularly good cookie baker… but then, I’d …

Upcoming releases

Peanuts issue 9 Preview

No, I don’t get to host a preview of the new issue here, but that’s because MTV Geek has the exclusive preview of it… and in this case, the story they run is the one that I helped Lex Fajardo write.

Upcoming releases

Getting all academic on Schulz

Here’s an upcoming book about Schulz that is so far from imminent, they’re still rounding up folks to write it. The Comics of Charles Schulz: The Good Grief of Modern Life is planned as a volume in a series “Critical Approaches to Comics Artists”, and is expected to contain various …

Upcoming releases

Cowabunga dagnabbit!

The good news is that Andrews & McMeel is getting back into the Peanuts book business, starting a line of strip reprints aimed at middle schoolers. The bad news – and it’s only bad news for one person (me) – is that their first book uses as a cover image …

Upcoming releases

The Beagle Has Landed, Charlie Brown

There’s another all-new Peanuts graphic novel heading our way this fall. From the same folks who did It’s Tokyo, Charlie Brown comes The Beagle Has Landed, Charlie Brown!, a 96-page space travel-themed graphic novel in which Snoopy, the World Famous Astronaut, has to struggle not just with a planned trip …

Upcoming releases

Snoopy, friends, and one more delightful word

Coming in September is Snoopy and Friends Cupcake Kit, which is showing up on book searches even though the closest thing it has to a book is a recipe card (oh, okay, part of the detail claims a 6 page book, but I have my doubts. Ever try to make …

Upcoming releases

More upcoming covers, and I was right

We now have the covers for the next to books in the series if Be books that recently began: Be Thankful and Be Friends both be shipping September 3rd. And remember a few weeks back when I noted a new book titled A Charlie Brown Christmas by Charles M. Schulz …

Upcoming releases

Peanuts by Shultz

“Peanuts by Shultz” – if you are like me, that headline made you flinch (also, you wear out your right sneaker much faster than your left, and you’re a little too fond of donuts, but that really doesn’t matter for the subject at hand.) If you’re a Peanuts fan and …