Upcoming releases

Artist’s Edition date set

IDW has announced that the Peanuts Artist’s Edition will hit comic book stores next Wednesday, June 11th This does not mean that Amazon will necessarily get them, much less ship them, on the same date. The method of delivery to Amazon is different from the path to the comics shop. …

Upcoming releases

Probably not the real valentine

Amazon has posted this cover for the January 2015 release of another small hardcover strip collection from Fantagraphics, A Valentine for Charlie Brown: Now, usually I would say that this is the cover for the book… but Fantagraphics pretty regularly changes their covers from the initial solicitation, and not just in minor …

Upcoming releases

What’s up with the Artist’s Edition

I’m starting to get emails asking about where that big Peanuts Artist’s Edition that Amazon said would ship at the end of April is. It’s not out yet. It’s not just Amazon who doesn’t have it yet. Nobody does. The book is late…. but not unexpectedly so. Publishers who focus …

Upcoming releases

The Beagle has Landed cover

Here’s the actual cover art for the coming-in-June original graphics novel The Beagle Has Landed, Charlie Brown, obviously much more appropriate than the not-the-real-cover that Amazon is still showing. But one thing that the Amazon site has very right at the moment is the price… as I check it, it’s …

Upcoming releases

Pictures of Peanuts Philosophy

Here are the covers for this fall’s Peanuts Guides to Life series: Philosophy of Snoopy, The Wisdom of Woodstock, The Genius of Charlie Brown, and Life Lessons from Lucy. These books aren’t being offered in the US… which is why those links go to The Book Depository, a UK book source that offers free shipping …

Upcoming releases

I’m running out of titles for posts displaying new covers

Here are the covers for two upcoming Peanuts books: Cheer Up, Charlie Brown and the new edition of Good Grief, It’s Your Birthday. Both are available for preorder.

Upcoming releases

Free Comic Book Day is tomorrow!

  Free Comic Book Day is tomorrow. It’s a great day when most comic book shops in North America (and many elsewhere) give away free special-edition comics to people just for stopping in. Some shops will let you pick just one comic (and hey, that’s a deal), some will give …

Upcoming releases

Be Joyful and Scanimation covers

At right (if you’re reading this on the blog site) is the announced cover for Be Joyful, a September 23rd-shipping book in the Peanuts Wisdom to Carry You Through series. Below is the cover for the Peanuts Scanimation book, listed as shipping the same day.

Upcoming releases

British Peanuts philosophy

Coming this fall in the UK are a quartet of books in the Peanuts Guides to Life series: Philosophy of Snoopy, The Wisdom of Woodstock, The Genius of Charlie Brown, and Life Lessons from Lucy. It looks like these books aren’t being offered in the US… which is why those links …

Upcoming releases

You, in a Peanuts book

“Customized” books have been around for a long time, with specialty publishers offering to insert your child’s name and sometimes some key details into a children’s book, giving them a unique item that talks about him. The publisher Sourcebooks has a line of these special-order items that add not just …