Here, for your reading delight, is the cover and five story pages from the forthcoming Snoopy: A Beagle of Mars, which ships next month. Click each page to enlarge. Thanks to Boom! Studios for providing these. The book can be preordered here.
I’ve finally picked up n the clues that Blake Scott Ball has a book coming out from Oxford University Press next year, called Charlie Brown’s America: The Popular Politics of Peanuts. This is a version of Dr. Ball’s PhD dissertation, “Charlie Brown’s America: Peanuts and the Politics of Wishy-Washy, 1950–1980″. Ball …
I have avoided doing much coverage of Peter Robbins, the voice of Charlie Brown in the earliest animated specials, in this blog. His crimes and his mental health issues, while salacious, really are outside the focus of The AAUGH Blog. However, with his release from prison comes some news that …
There are books coming up, and I’m going to knock out a few quickly in this message so I don’t have to think of them any more. Snoopy Goes to School – a children’s book in which Snoopy, well, goes to school. Art by Robert Pope. Coming in June. The …
In a few days, Hallmark is releasing another book adaptation of It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown. This is one of the times that they try to give you a surprise of one pop-up in a book that’s not advertised as a pop-up… but, since it credits pop-up artist Brian …
Judging by this graphic on, it looks like we’ll be getting the NASA Snoopy Happy Meals later this month… and word has it that the US version will have the two books that were already released in Britain. Choose the apple slices. It’s healthier.
Coming in October is the book Happy Holidays, Charlie Brown. Now, I’m not sure exactly what is inside this book – could there be an adaptation of A Charlie Brown Christmas somewhere in there, given that the words A Special Peanuts Holiday Collection appear on the cover? – but I do …
Here’s the cover for Woodstock’s Sunny Day, a board book from Simon Spotlight that is set to drop in December (a month known for sunny days, right?)
You can now preorder Snoopy: A Beagle of Mars, the original graphic novel now slated to ship next January. The solicitation copy starts “Snoopy, the world famous astronaut, heads to the stars in his most out-of-this-world adventure yet! What mysteries does the red planet hold? Will he find water? Will …
Usually I prefer to write my own write-ups off of press releases, but life is full, my hand is in pain, and I want to get this out. Soooo….. Lift Off with SNOOPY: A BEAGLE OF MARS LOS ANGELES, CA (July 15, 2019) – BOOM! Studios today announced SNOOPY: A BEAGLE OF MARS, …