I just found this post I had written two years ago and never put online… and realize I had not yet done what I’d promised to do here. So I am posting it now to shame myself into doing it! Today’s mail brought me my latest eBay purchase, the sort …
This is the cover for the penultimate volume in the Peanuts Every Sunday series, featuring all the Sundays from 1991 through 1995. Yeah, I know cover reveals aren’t everyone’s favorite blog posts, but this one is pretty and spooky! If you click through on the link and use Amazon’s “Look …
We now haveĀ a cover for Snoopy’s Happy Tales, the upcoming hardcover collecting five of those thing storybooks into one thicker volume. The book will be shipping at the end of August.
We’ve got the cover for some of this fall’s books. The cover for the paperback version of The Complete Peanuts volume 16, including all the strips from 1981 and 1982, has a rather pleasing set of colors… but what is up with that font? It looks like the font that …
Okay, normally I’d take this bunch of new book announcements for the fall and cover releases and break it into several posts, but I feel like getting this out of the way. We have a cover… well, a box… for the A Charlie Brown Christmas Book and Tree and Music …
Here we have the cover for the upcoming Peanuts storybook A Snoopy Tale, based on the forthcoming Apple TV+ series The Snoopy Show.
So we’ve got the cover to next summer’s storybook, When Snoopy Met Woodstock. And, unsurprisingly for a book that’s a tie in to the upcoming Apple TV+ seriesĀ The Snoopy Show, it has an animated look to it. I’m curious about this one, and whether they’ll embrace the material from the …
The Peanuts graphic novel adapting the unproduced TV special that I announced a while back can now be preordered! Yup, it’s Scotland Bound, Charlie Brown, and perhaps it’s just the thing for some Peanuts lover or Scotland lover on your gift list – and by giving them a notice that …
A book that I’ve been looking forward to for a while is coming in… well, the Oxford University Press’s website says May, Amazon says June. Charlie Brown’s America: The Popular Politics of Peanuts expands on Blake Scott Ball’s thesis, looking at politics as expressed in the strip (and beyond). I …
Charles Schulz shuffled off this mortal coil decades back. Bill Melendez has been gone for over a decade. Together, the two of them created many fine animated specials that we all enjoyed… and, apparently, one that never made it into production. Which is to say that, coming out in April …