With the coming of the Camp Snoopy series to AppleTV+, it is unsurprising that we’re seeing Beagle Scout merch in the pipeline. Among these is Snoopy’s Beagle Scout Tales, next May’s entry in the “Peanuts Graphic Novel” series. As with most of these books, this will combine a new comic …
Abrams Comicarts has put out a release with info on their upcoming graphic novel Here Comes Charlie Brown! A Peanuts Pop-up…. and in doing so included images of the entire contents! I added that SPOILER note so that I don’t give away the ending to everyone here, but let me …
Added to the pending Peanuts books is Here Comes Charlie Brown! A Peanuts Pop-Up. Is it a pop-up book? Yes! Is it a strip collection? That depends on your definition of the word “collection”. If it is, it’s literally a strip collection, in that it collects a single strip. That’s right, the …
I went to check Hallmark’s Peanuts books, to see if they have anything new. They’re offering the cool light-up, pop-up adaptation of the Great Pumpkin special which I ran a video of back in 2016 – only that’s an old cover, the new one was added in 2021. But not quite …
I wrote basically this post weeks ago, and then a strange crash destroyed it before it got sent. When something like that happens, I find it hard to get the emotional energy needed to do the same work again. So, i’m sorry for the delay. But this is the sort of …
We have a content image for that Peanuts Inspiration Deck… …a box image for the board book set Snoopy’s Joyful Collection… …a cover for the Christmastime is Here fill-in book… …and though it’s been available for a while, I gotta say that I like this color scheme on the paperback …
Sometimes I wonder if the world will ever decide it has enough Peanuts books. Then I remember that even with over a thousand of them, I shall never decide that I have enough Peanuts books, and I’ve seen the world and it isn’t particularly wiser than me. So… well, a …
There have been a large number of biographies of Charles Schulz over the years, with different media, style, and target audiences. But coming next August (and available now for preorder) is an interesting attempt that treads where others have not yet. Funny Things, by Luca Debus and Francesco Matteuzzi, tells …
For those of you for whom the true pumpkin spice is It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown, have I got a board book for you! It’s due in July of next year, so for now you’ll just have to put up with sitting through the whole special rather than the more …
It looks like Simon & Schuster’s Simon Spotlight imprint is keeping a reasonably aggressive bimonthly schedule for their Peanuts Graphic Novel series, as they’ve just announced the third one, coming in May. This will be the baseball-themed Batter Up, Charlie Brown!, and like the other volumes will include one new …