Snoopy is guiding us to the great outdoors

Upcoming releases

Coming in October is Snoopy’s Guide to the Great Outdoors, which seems to be a general guide to camping, hiking, and appreciating nature, using your favorite Beagle Scout leader and various other members of the Peanuts crew as your guides. The author is Kristin Mehus-Roe, who seems to usually write about dogs rather than books nominally by a dug. It’s a full-color piece. The binding is listed as Flexibound, which is basically a paperback designed to be laid open flat, more like a classic hardcover. (Many more recent hardcovers – some call them casebound – are basically paperback guts slapped in, well, hard covers.)

On the Amazon listing at the link above, they have images of several more spreads – go see. It looks like a good book, and a good introduction to outdoor life for, oh, I’d guess mid-grade through the teens. Published by “Epic Ink”, who I don’t recall being involved in Peanuts before, but who seem focused on zingy books on high-interest topics (they’ve got books on Star Wars, Barbie, Betty White, and the ever-hot New Kids on the Block.)


Upcoming releases
His bark is worse than his bite

This year’s new Hallmark book for the upcoming Great Pumpkin holiday is Beware the Vampire Beagle! Like other recent such books, it has a single pop-up image in the back. I’ve not yet gotten one, but given that it’s got Rich LaPierre art, it’ll at least look good. 40 SHARES …

Upcoming releases
I really hope they keep this title

Coming in May of next year, as the 18th entry in the series of full color Peanuts strip reprints is…. Snoopy Summer 2025 Kids Collection . Finally, they’ve found a title that has not already been used before! Presumably, that is just a holder title until they fall back on …

Charles Manga Schulz comes to Comic-Con

It’s less than two weeks to the start of the San Diego Comic-Con (and months too late to get tickets to it, if that’s what you were hoping.) There will be be an official Peanuts booth there, as usual. In addition to their usual line-up of special items made just …