Upcoming releases

a peek at Peanuts: A Tribute to Charles M. Schulz

  Hey, first I got a sneak peek, now I can give you one! Here’s ten pages from the upcoming book PEANUTS: A Tribute to Charles M. Schulz, which you can preorder by clicking on that title there. And you probably should. Even this sample shows you such cool cartoonists as …

Upcoming releases

off-model Peanuts

I’ve got three new Peanuts books sitting here waiting for review, but with preparations for my appearance tonight at the Pasadena Library, I’ll not get to them today. But last night I by chance managed to get my hands on a copy of the upcoming Peanuts: A Tribute to Charles M. …

Upcoming releases

More May books

‘Tis the season for publishers to be publishing their spring catalogs, and two more Peanuts books have shown up on the radar. Peppermint Patty Goes to Camp – alas, it’s unlikely that this storybook aimed at 5-7 year olds will be doing the story where Peppermint Patty went to a …

Upcoming releases

Spring kids books

Coming next spring: two board books (or at least that’s how they’re listed now, although they are also listed at 24 pages, which is long for a board book): Cool Like Snoopy and Messy Like Pigpen. a storybook: Kick the Football, Charlie Brown!, illustrated by Scott Jeralds.

Upcoming releases

Paperback Complete Peanuts #5

Now available for pre-order is volume 5 of the paperback edition of The Complete Peanuts.  This volume covers the years 1959 and 1960, and features an introduction by Whoopi Goldberg.

Upcoming releases

Where Beagles Dare preview

  Here’s a preview of the new Peanuts graphic novel Where Beagles Dare!, being released Wednesday. Click any page to enlarge. Unfortunately, the book seems to have disappeared from Amazon, it was there before, and I expect it will be there again!

Upcoming releases

Snoopy: Party Animal cover

Here’s the cover for the full-color paperback strip collection, Snoopy: Party Animal, which is slated to ship in March.

Upcoming releases

The Snoopy Treasures exists!

You won’t be able to get your sticky little fingers on this for a couple months yet (which means you can still go preorder it and lock in the best preorder price), but yes, my next book The Snoopy Treasures has been printed and I have a copy in my hands! …

Upcoming releases

PEANUTS: A TRIBUTE TO CHARLES M. SCHULZ – Press Check with Managing Editor Bryce Carlson (with images, tweets) · boomstudios · Storify

The folks at Boom Studios have posted a series of images and videos from their press check  for the upcoming book Peanuts: A Tribute to Charles M. Schulz.

Upcoming releases

The Snoopy Special

Things have been a little quiet on the Kaboom! comic book front of late, but coming in November  is a one-shot comic Peanuts: The Snoopy Special. “Follow Snoopy, the World Famous Sergeant-Major of the Foreign Legion, on the mission of a lifetime to save his dear brother Spike, encountering adventure at …