Classic finds


In recent weeks, I’ve added two kinda-books to the Reference Library. I talked about The Great Big Book of Peanuts Word Seeks volume 1 when I ordered it. Each of its 129 themed word search puzzles had below it a Peanuts strip on the same theme — if the …

New releases

Christmas Time is Here! Again!

Whenever I stop by Costco, I check out their table of books, because it is fairly frequent that they will have Peanuts books, and a fair portion of them is exclusive books not to be found elsewhere. The folks at Costco must like Peanuts. (And by that I mean “the …

A Charlie Brown Christmas

The AAUGH Blogger interviews Nat Gertler

AAUGH Blogger: Hey, Nat, what’s that you got there? Nat: It’s the A Charlie Brown Christmas Mini Puzzles box set thingy. AAUGH Blogger: Oh, a thingy, is it? What has it got in it. Nat: It has these two bags of very small jigsaw puzzle pieces. AAUGH Blogger: Do they …

New releases

Peanuts in letterbox format

Yesterday, my postal carrier brought to me my big pile of the new Peanuts stamps, as well as the book that I’d ordered. Now, a Peanuts book being published by the United States Postal Service may sound like an inherently strange thing; other arms of the US government have issued …

New releases

The Complete The Complete Peanuts 26

I like to own copies of all the different editions of books I wrote or did major work on. And I also like owning Peanuts books, as I’m sure you’ve noticed. So lately, I’ve been tracking down copies of The Complete Peanuts 1950-2000: Comics & Stories, aka The Complete Peanuts …

New releases

How the AAUGH Blogger sometimes misses books

I put some effort into getting all the Peanuts books released in the United States… yet sometimes I miss one. For example, I missed this deluxe songbook that came out last year. How did I miss this? Well, even though it was not distributed through the normal book distribution routes, …

Classic finds

Milky Way

The latest addition to the Reference Library is this 1957 Milky Way ad. It’s in Schulz’s Peanuts style, but doesn’t use Peanuts characters. Why didn’t they use Peanuts? Because then it’d be Snickers!   Hey, if it was your blog, you’d tell your own bad jokes!


Harder to find Peanuts media

I was in Costco today and I espied a Peanuts book… one which hadn’t been there just a few days ago when I was last there, yet one that they seemed down to their last copy of. (Perhaps there was another case of them stashed below the table, I don’t …

New releases

Low density biography

I’ve got some catching up to do for the blog… and as so often happens, I seem to be doing it in what programmers called LIFO order — last in, first out. That’s what happens when you take the thing off the top of the stack you’ve been building, instead …

Classic finds

The AAUGH Blogger gets as SIGNED Snoopy cover!

I just received my latest eBay order. It’s one of the programs for the AT&T golf pro-ams (previously the Crosby Pro-Am), with a Snoopy cover. And it’s autographed! And if you think I’m bouncing around happily because I have a Schulz autograph — don’t be silly! There are so many …