New releases

From the “my views are reality, your views are bias” pile

The new, brief Schulz biography Charles Schulz: an Account for the Young and the Casually Curious, is a self-published, print-on-demand effort with a stated mission. Author Matt Trimble says that other biographies “are often laced with the author’s own interpretations and biases. Therefore, I have attempted to compile a brief, …

Classic finds

Mr. Head-round und the hound

The Reference Library has been improved with the addition of Charlie Brown und Snoopy, which is a 1970 German translation of World Publishing’s 1968 adaptation of the 1968 TV special “He’s Your Dog, Charlie Brown”. This is an example of something that I’ve seen very few examples of: foreign language …

Cover to Security is an Eye Path, HEW edition
Classic finds

Colorblind Eye Patch

Security is an Eye Patch is the finest Peanuts strip collection ever published by the US government. Put out in 1968 by the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, this two-color-cover, black-and-white interior pamphlet collected strips dealing with Sally’s amblyopia. I’ve had one of these for decades, and it was …

Animated Peanuts

A Charlie Brown Christmas again… this time in book form!

We here at the AAUGH Blog have many elves… in this case, an elf named Jim, who happened to spot something in his local Costco that I had not seen at mine just three days ago, but which I am thrilled to say was in there when I went shortly …

Animated Peanuts

Review: Happy Holidays, Charlie Brown

So, I got my copy of Peanuts 70th Anniversary Holiday Collection Limited Edition, the Blu-ray boxed set with comes with a Snoopy figure and a book. And yes, I bought it for a book. A little book, 5.5 inches by 5 inches, 64 pages. And if the world really wanted …

New releases

Peanuts Poster book

Sometimes, I miss one. Somehow, The Peanuts Poster Collection came out in August without me noticing. But I’m glad that I picked up on the error. This book is a collection of 20 Peanuts posters, and we’ve seen things like this before… but this one is selected by Chip Kidd. If …

Classic finds

Peanuts anatomy is weird

I have become fascinated by this Italian book cover for, well, every design decision, from the mis-centered face to the “C. M. Schulz” to the decision to color the collar as if it is skin. What, does Charlie Brown have gills?

New releases

There’s always a hidden Christmas

While we already have an excellent new book adaptation of A Charlie Brown Christmas, well, there’s almost always another new edition lurking somewhere. This time, it was hidden at Kohl’s – whom I usually check for Peanuts books about this time of year, but with less going out these days, I …

New releases

Review: Peanuts Every Sunday 1980s Box Set

Conflict of interest note: I have had a business relationship with the publisher Fantagraphics on multiple Peanuts-oriented projects in the past and may well continue to do so. No review copies of these volumes were provided. The Peanuts Every Sunday 1980s Box Set does well exactly what it’s supposed to …

New releases

Review: Charlie and Friends

There is nothing wrong with a cheaply produced paperback of public domain material. It can provice a service. For some material it’s the only way that product will be available. In the case of Charlie and Friends in Tip Top Comics – The Full Series Reader Collection, however, it’s the equivalent …