Thank you to everyone who stopped by for the
Unfortunately, due to a mounting health situation, Jim Sasseville will not be able to attend Sunday’s signing at the Schulz Museum. However, we should be able to offer some It’s Only A Game bookplates signed by him, and Derrick Bang and I will both still be there to answer your …
In a recent AAUGH blog entry, I mentioned a pamphlet that had Peanuts on the inside but not on the outside. Now to make up for that we have Snoopy Magic Party Ideas, a ninety-five cent Hallmark booklet where the only Peanuts content is the cover. The characters are neither …
Coming in October: It Goes Without Saying: Peanuts at Its Silent Best, a hardcover collection of wordless Peanuts strips. No matter what language your friends speak, this is a Peanuts book for them! And as long as I’m posting things: we won’t be seeing David Michaelis’s biography of Schulz until …
The library has just been bestowed with a copy of The American Economic System… and your part in it, a 20-page 8.5″ x 11″ pamphlet that was put out in 1975. It was a joint production of The Advertising Council (the private non-profit that puts together most of the …
As I noted in a recent post, sometimes the cover that we first see of an upcoming Peanuts book is not the cover we end up with. For a fairly extreme example, take a look at the image at the left, which is what we were told would be the …
Here’s the cover of the upcoming book of Woodstock strips — and I’m hoping that it’s a draft design rather than the final cover. My problem is not just that when this image is run at full cover size, the lack of a fourth leg on the chair would be …
The laest addition to the reference library (not open to the public, sorry) is Architects for Snoopy, which is a catalog from a museum exhibition at the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts thirteen years ago. The MMoFA basically took over the exhibit that had displayed in a Paris museum …
You’ve heard of The Gospel According to Peanuts, and if you paid close attention to the newsletter, you’ve heard of The Effective Executive According To Peanuts. But the odds are pretty darned good you’ve never heard of The GMP’s According to Peanuts; I know I hadn’t heard of it …
As promised, I now have the First Biographies book on Charles M. Schulz. This is the youngest-aimed of the school Schulz bios yet, giving us 186 words aimed at kids in the pre-kindergarten through second grade range. It’s about the size of a Little Golden Book (for those used to …