We’ve got an early look at the cover for the new mini book edition of A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving, which supposely won’t be out until the Fall of 2007. At this point, I’m split between believing that and suspecting that someone just misentered a date, and the book is due …
Over at his Arf Lovers Blog (which unfortunately doesn’t seem to have individual entry links, you’ll have to scroll down to the June 27th entry – and warning, some of the entries aren’t work safe) Craig Yoe chronicles an obscure 1958 pamphlet You Don’t See These Sights on the Regular …
The contest is over, the judge has made is arbitrary and final ruling, so it’s time for the announcement: The contest, as you may recall, was to come up with the best response to this question: “You bought Complete Peanuts Volume 5: 1959-1960 when it came out in the spring, …
Cider Mill Press has apparently decided to design new covers for a couple of the Determined Productions Peanuts books they’re reprinting. I Need All the Friends I Can Get has a cover image that is taken from the inside of the American edition – one that was strongly altered when …
An intrepid AAUGH Blog reader (hi, Michael) called our attention to issue 59 of Alter Ego, a magazine on comic book history. In there is an interview with Al Plastino, long-time comic book artist, former cartoonist of the Nancy comic strip, and most relevant to this discussion, the guy whom …
I’ve finished reading It’s Off to Camp, Charlie Brown, and the first question I have is: what’s off to camp? What does the “it” in the title refer to? I know it’s supposed to invoke the TV specials such as It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown, but in that, the …
It’s time for AAUGH.com to run its first contest, and thanks to the folks at Fantagraphics, we have a cool prize for some Peanuts book collector out there. How would you like to win volumes 1-3 of The Complete Peanuts… in Italian?!? How many of your collecting friends have those? …
I have a number of t-shirts with Charles Schulz drawings on them, but I don’t have a t-shirt with a drawing of Charles Schulz on it.
In the wake of last night’s post about foreign language edition of The Complete Peanuts, I got a reader inquiry about “hey, is it going to be available in thus-and-such a language?” (Hi, Dan!) And so, to head off getting that inquiry one at a time for every possible language, …
I told you previously about the Chinese edition of The Complete Peanuts coming out of Taiwan. Now I find that there is a French edition and an upcoming German edition, so if you want to read every Peanuts strip but don’t want the headaches that come with reading English, then …