I jus discovered that somehow I let the new book adaptation of It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown slip by without announcement. This isn’t the one that’s part of the line of kiddie books. Instead, this is a miniature hardcover, a la last year’s A Charlie Brown Christmas adaptation. Well, …
Check out Pig-Pen on the cover of volume 3 of The Complete Peanuts!
It is in the nature of pop-up books that they only have a few pages. However, I gotta say that the pages are well-used in the Peanuts: A Pop-Up Celebration. Each page has several pop-up and.or motion features, and the engineering seems quite clever. This is certainly not a minimum …
Another book that is not alas available through the AAUGH.com bookstore is The Wonderful World of Peanuts Musicals by Pauline Graeber. This is a collecting guide for Peanuts musical figurines, music boxes, and the like. I’ve not seen it a copy, so I can’t recommend it… but if that’s what …
The Complete Peanuts volume 2 is now shipping. Order one today!
Checking the online remaindered book bins at the moment, I see you can get both Snoopy and Woodstock stuffed-animal-with-built-in-book toys (discussed here)at half off list price: Snoopy Woodstock You can also get the board book Charlie Brown & Snoopy, the cloth books Sleepy Time and Hello World (both discussed here), …
There are a lot of terms that people type into their search engines that lead people to AAUGH.com. Most of them have to do with Peanuts… but checking the records, I just noticed that the most common term has nothing to do with Schulz. It’s actually a common four-letter word …
Lynn Johnston, talented cartoonist behind the strip For Better or For Worse, will be signing her new book at the Charles M. Schulz Museum in Santa Rosa on November 7th, from 1 to 2 pm. Sounds like a great excuse to stop by the museum to me!
Note: This is here just to make sure the final newsletter ends up in the archives. This is it. The last AAUGH.com email newsletter. After almost five years, no longer shall I be stuffing your email box with news about Peanuts books and other Schulz-related diversions. But fret not, for …
If you’re shopping through AAUGH and want to save a little extra money, here’s what you do: once you click through to an item’s description on Amazon, find that box marked A9 web search over on the left side of the page. Type anything into the field there, then click …