At some point, I really should put together a pile of the various A Charlie Brown Christmas book adaptations and take a photo. Really, it is amusing to me, but then I’m easily amused. And I shall be amused again this fall, as Perseus Books/Running Press has announced the following …
The World War I Flying Ace hits the cover of The Complete Peanuts: 1969 to 1970, which doesn’t ship until October (it’s not the next volume, it’s the one after that.) And as long as we’re looking at covers, here’s the one for that Peanuts Sudoku Digest, with a bunch …
Here’s the first look at the covers of two more Peanuts books coming from Running Press Kids: It’s the Easter Beagle, Charlie BrownWhere is Woodstock?And yes, that’s a small-parts-may-choke-toddlers warning on Where is Woodstock? (which should not be confused with 1988 Little Golden Book Where’s Woodstock?, but of course will …
The first two of the new Warner Brother Peanuts DVD releases are now available for pre-order… and they look rather familiar. Warners is pairing the same specials on disks as in the previous editions, so that their Be My Valentine, Charlie Brown disk also has It’s Your First Kiss, Charlie …
You know Bill Mauldin, the artist who Snoopy used to quaff root beers with on Veterans Day? Whose characters Willie and Joe once walked along side Snoopy? And who more importantly kept American servicemen amused in cartoons that reflected what they were actually going through? Well, a nice big two-volume …
These covers just in, of upcoming books for the kids: Today is the last day to order stuff from Amazon and get it there for Christmas using their two-day shipping option… and you have to get it done in the next few hours and pick things that are marked as …
I really am trying to separate things into individual posts these days – but I feel for folks who get the AAUGH Blog emailed to them, and rather than flooding their inboxes, here’s a variety of catch-up items: I Want a Dog for Christmas is on ABC tonight in the …
Here’s our first look at the cover for The Complete Peanuts: 1967-1968:
There’s a new giveaway coming to the comic shops, a fake comics section featuring samples from a variety of comic strip reprints. Included are some Peanuts strips from volume 9… and for those who liked the Unseen Peanuts giveaway, these will be strips not reprinted until The Complete Peanuts, and …
I’m not going to be linking to all of the many reviews of Schulz and Peanuts that are out there, but when Bill Watterson writes, it’s worth having a read, particularly since he goes beyond talking about the biography to talk about Peanuts itself.