Funny Things cover
New releases

Review: Funny Things

I’m sorry it has taken me so long to review the new Charles Schulz biography Funny Things by Luca Debus and Francesco Matteuzzi, but life is full, and this book is not only long but I think best read not all at once. But before I get into reviewing it, …

New releases

Franken-Snoopy review

The latest storybook from Hallmark is The Nightmare of Franken-Snoopy, in which Charlie Brown falls into a dream where Snoopy is a monster, Linus is a mummy, Schroeder and Lucy are vampires, and what do they all do? Nothing monstrous, this is a gentle kids book, so they all go …

New releases

Uncanny Snoopy

I had sworn off of buying pirate print-on-demand Peanuts materials, and even cut way down on mentioning them, because I don’t want to promote such materials or reward their creators. But I broke that rule, because when I found the listing for Snoopy’s Midnight Halloween Ride, I thought that there …

book adaptations of A Charlie Brown Christmas

Christmas by the numbers

It is that time of year again! The days are getting just a mite shorter, the first skeletons of the season are appearing on neighborhood lawns. You can feel the excitement in the crisp air, for surely it is time for the greatest gift a year has to bring: a …

New releases

To Mom And Dad With Love

The new kids book To Mom and Dad with Love says that it’s an adaptation of a The Snoopy Show episode “To Mom and Dad with Love”… which is interesting, because as things are sorted on the Apple TV+ service that hosts such things, this isn’t a The Snoopy Show …

Classic finds

Peanuts Adventures

Every once in a while, a Peanuts book slips by me. That’s particularly true of a book like Peanuts Adventures, a book that didn’t get distributed through the standard book distribution means. This book was designed for the discount racks. When you go to a bookstore like Barnes & Noble …

New releases

The “new” Peanuts story

I just received Adventures with Linus and Friends!, the second of the three announced books in Simon Spotlight’s Peanuts Graphic Novels line. About half of the book is a reprint of the graphic novel adaptation of Happiness is a Warm Blanket, Charlie Brown, the direct-to-video special released in 2011. Most …

New releases

Shot down

I am not without ego. When I get a book of intellectual analysis about Peanuts, I don’t start by delving into the introduction or foreword. No, I dive right for the endnotes, the listing of the sources that the writers relied on in building their analysis. After all, with six …

Classic finds

the same old printings

I just paid full cover price for copies of two books that I myself had written, just trying to find out whether Hallmark had, as they sometimes do, gotten their own printings of the books with a Hallmark gold crown logo on them. And it would’ve been worth it had …

New releases

Snoopy Soars to Space

The first of the new Peanuts Graphic Novels line dropped this week, Snoopy Soars to Space. Whether it’s a “graphic novel” depends on which of the fuzzy definitions of the term you’re using; it’s mostly reprints of pre-existing stories, although the first one is The Beagle has Landed, Charlie Brown, which was …