Upcoming releases

Five upcoming covers

Forgive my going several days without posting, but I took advantage of the holiday weekend to visit out-of-state family members. In the interest of catching up, here’s a quick post – upcoming covers which are fairly self-explanatory, you can click through for larger images and to order.

Nat news

Snoopy Treasures rereredesigned

I’ve seen publishers update their planned cover as the release date grows closer, but I don’t think I’ve seen one go through four planned iterations before now… and in this case, the book is mine! Amazon now has the fourth cover it’s displayed for my book The Snoopy Treasures, being released in November: Which …

Upcoming releases

Say “Peanuts Seasonal” five times fast

Because this November was looking just far too bereft of Peanuts books coming out, Fantagraphics has added one to the list! Snoopy Vs. the Red Baron is a hardcover collection of strips focusing on ye olde World War I Flying Ace. This is part of their “Peanuts Seasonal” line which has previously …

Upcoming releases

More classic books with new looks

Here are the new covers for Home is On Top of a Doghouse and Love is Walking Hand in Hand, which ship in October and can be preordered now!

Upcoming releases

Some things change, some things stay the same

The covers to the new editions of the Peanuts Little Golden Books are up. The new edition of Let’s Fly a Kite, Charlie Brown basically keeps the old cover, while the new edition of Where’s Woodstock? replaces the old one with a completely new cover. Why? I bet it was because Woodstock …

Upcoming releases

Snoopy and Friends and Snoopy and Friends and Snoopy and Friends!

I can now show you these three books that are all being published this year: To preorder Snoopy and Friends, click here. To preorder Snoopy and Friends!, click here. But if you want to preorder Snoopy and Friends, you’ll have go get it from the UK; order here to get it with free …

Upcoming releases

Book covers give peeks into The Peanuts Movie

These covers for the upcoming Peanuts Movie-based storybooks The Sky’s the Limit, Snoopy!, You’ve Got Talent, Charlie Brown, and Charlie Brown is Not a Quitter! (all available for preorder) may not be screen-captures from this fall’s movie, but they give us that much more sense of how it will look. (I think the colored …

Upcoming releases

My guide to Christmas: Go to December 23rd, then hang a left

Coming this holiday season to folks in the UK (and those of us willing to order from overseas – really, it’s easy and cheap) is The Peanuts Guide to Christmas, now available for preorder.

Upcoming releases

Activity books actively en route

The forthcoming Peanuts movie The Peanuts Movie is also bringing a number of books. The most recent to pop up as coming are a couple of activity books. The Peanuts Movie Sticker Activity Book promises “lots of cool stickers” in October while November’s The Peanuts Movie Doodle Book claims to be “the perfect …

Upcoming releases

Peanuts Movie books look like Peanuts Movie items

We’ve got some more covers for books based on this fall’s The Peanuts Movie. There’s the storybook A Friend, Indeed: and there’s the board book Snoopy and Friends! (not to, of course, be confused with the two other books titled Snoopy and Friends that will also be released this year.)