Today’s addition to the Reference Library is the Japanese translation of Dr. Snoopy’s Advice to Pet Owners, a boom of Schulz (or good pseudo-Schulz illustrations paired with humorous answers to pet questions For some reason, I’m amused that the cover price is 762 yen; the sort of seemingly-random-number price …
Dale just pointed out that the page of where I list the corrections to errors in my book The Peanuts Collection wasn’t working. I fixed the coding error, and it looks like it may never have been working. i wasn’t trying to cover up the errors (well, at this …
The latest addition to the Reference Library is also the oldest piece of Schulz material to be held by that fine and venerable institution. The February 1947 issue of Topix Comics is full of tales aimed at Catholic youth, but it’s the final page that earns it a special …
Here ya go: There are definitely some cool aspects to this.
There’s a way that I’ve seen folks discussing Peanuts projects over the past decade or so that I find a little irksome. They’ll see some bit of non-Schulz Peanuts somewhere, and consider it not to be good… which I have no problem with (I certainly feel that there are better …
(Click through on any to order from Amazon Japan, if you can.)
I just got my author’s copies of issue 16 of the Peanuts comic book, published by Kaboom! My contribution is a mere three pager, but I am quite happy with what Robert Pope did with the art (and Lisa Moore’s colors are quite kickin’!) This should be landing in your …
I’m tempted to get this upcoming Dutch Golden Book, despite having to pay for shipping from England. It has that certain charm.
I don’t yet have every Peanuts book, not even within the parameters of US non-coloring books. I know I have some holes in the Hallmark collection; they put out a lot of little hardcovers meant to be used as greeting cards and small gifts during the 1970s, and I suspect …