
Pretty little Snoopy with the fringe on top

I was so happy with the Snoopy Goes To Broadway book I bought last week that I bought another one. Oklahoma, OK?


There’s no disguising Woodstock

Coming next March is another comic strip collection in the AMP Comics For Kids series, Woodstock: Master of Disguise. It is now available for preorder. These are full-color, thick collections with extras, at a good price.


Another Comic-Con Peanuts panel

My aged Mac just started refusing to boot up, so forgive me if this cut-and-paste job on my iPad doesn’t look smooth… Snoopy, his sister Belle, and other Sibling relationships in Peanuts Though he himself was an only child, Charles Schulz recognized the potential for drama and humor inherent in …


Artist’s Edition date kinda set

I told you a couple days ago that the Artist’s Edition was going to land in comic book stores on June 11th. Well, thats what the publisher said. However, as AAUGH Blog reader Joseph pointed out to me, the distributor says that the book will hit shops June 18. Which …


The World Famous Doctor

I just stumbled across the short parody mashup story Snoopy is a Time Lord by William Hrdina, crossing the TV special “You’re the Greatest, Charlie Brown” with the world of Doctor Who (and not, I think we can assume, authorized by anyone). Now, usually I might not post about a small-time parody …


Peanuts 65th anniversary book #1

For those of you certain that every possible Peanuts book had already come out, and that no new books were possible for next year, you can relax. The world is not about to end…. because it has already been announced that 65 Years of Snoopy, a 196 page paperback, will be …


Scanimationy books today

I was putting together an upcoming post on ordering Japanese Peanuts books through Amazon US, when I discovered… well, remember when I mentioned how I was looking forward to the upcoming “Scanimation” book, with images that animate as you move the page? It looks like in Japan they already have …


A Charlie Brown Scholarly Christmas

I just got to read the article “Christmas in the 1960s: A Charlie Brown Christmas, Religion, and the Conventions of the Television Genre“, which appears in the current issue of The Journal of Religion and Popular Culture. Written by (AAUGH Blog reader!) Stephen J. Lind (currently of Washington And Lee University), this …


Dr. Snoopy does Japan

Today’s addition to the AAUGH.com Reference Library is the Japanese translation of Dr. Snoopy’s Advice to Pet Owners, a boom of Schulz (or good pseudo-Schulz illustrations paired with humorous answers to pet questions For some reason, I’m amused that the cover price is 762 yen; the sort of seemingly-random-number price …


Corrected corrections

Dale just pointed out that the page of AAUGH.com where I list the corrections to errors in my book The Peanuts Collection wasn’t working. I fixed the coding error, and it looks like it may never have been working. i wasn’t trying to cover up the errors (well, at this …