Two lambs BAAAHH at Snoopy
New releases

Review: Scotland Bound, Charlie Brown

I managed to get my hands on a print copy of the new graphic novel Scotland Bound, Charlie Brown, which isn’t coming from Amazon for a couple weeks yet, simply by buying it at my local comic book store instead. (Support your comic shop, folks!) This is an adaptation of …

Greatest hits

Trivial invasion

What is the latest craze for unlicensed print-on-demand and Kindle Peanuts books? Let’s take a look! All eight of these trivia books came out in the past 5 weeks. And all of them are pretty clearly unlicensed. Not that they don’t take copyright seriously, mind you. Copyright is a very …

New releases

The other Peanuts

So it looks as though the same bozos who have been repeatedly publishing unlicensed Kindle collections of Peanuts works are also doing the same with Diary of a Wimpy Kid books… and labeling them as being Peanuts. (I’m not going to link in this case — my “hey, look at this!” …

Classic finds

I’m not sure if this proves the strength or weakness of communism

Some of you will remember my fascination with (and love of) the set of badly traced bootleg Peanuts from communist-era Poland.   It was while chasing after more on this that I came upon something that might be even more amazing. Something I have instant love for, from the same …

New releases

Christmas is still here!

I finally remembered to pick up Christmas is Here! Holiday Gift Set, which packages a stuffed Snoopy wearing a stocking cap (yes, it’s hard to see when it’s in the box, but it is there) with a “Look-and-Find” board book. (It says that it’s a “First Look and Find”; perhaps that …

New releases

REVIEW: Dial P for Peanuts

I finally laid hands on a copy of Dial P for Peanuts, the parody that places adult versions of the Peanuts characters into the scenario of Agatha Christie’s And Then There Were None (to use the least offensive of the names that novel has gone under.) These older characters, each hideous in …

Classic finds

He’s big in Japan, but then again, he’s big everywhere

I don’t actively try to add notebooks to the Reference Library, but this one came as a gift from my daughter. She was placing an order from a Japanese cute-stuff store, and this was the only Peanuts item they had: an Olaf notebook. A 2014 release from Kamio, I …

New releases

Call the Legal Beagle!

Today in “boy, that sure doesn’t look licensed!”, we have some new Kindle books that have shown up at Amazon. That’s right, for a mere $3.99, you can download Special Funny Peanut: Collection 1 – New Peanuts Snoopy Comic Cartoon For Kids Children by the great creator of Peanuts, Celia …

New releases

REVIEW: It’s Springtime, Snoopy!

A board book is reviewproof, at least in the traditional levels of review. After all, you have a perfectly adequate board book with nothing but a series of pictures of fruit, or letters of the alphabet. It doesn’t have to have a plot. It just has to have pages that …

New releases

Where Eagles Dare To Edit

Eagle-eyed AAUGH Blog reader David noted that for this year’s Peanuts desk calendar, they’re reformatting the 1971 strips into narrower panels… and that’s not the only change. Check the last few words – where the original January 16, 1971 strip had said “just walk around”, in now says “just walkS …