New releases

Die Peanuts!

When I first saw the cover to Fröhliche Weihnachten, I got my hopes up. After all, I’ve been hoping to find a foreign book edition of A Charlie Brown Christmas for years now; I know that the special depicts a particularly American sensibility for the holiday, but over all these …

New releases

Christmas Joy is… a Peanuts book!

AAUGH! Here it is, the heart of frankly the most lucrative season for being the AAUGH Blogger (not that it adds up to that much), and first my main computer is in the shop for over a week, and now that it’s back, it and my scanner are no longer …

New releases

Best Friends – the ULTIMATE Peanuts book

Well, it’s the ultimate Peanuts book in the Wendy’s Kids’ Meal line, anyway. Ten books over the course of a year, and it’s all over. And no one will miss these more than your own AAUGH Blogger; I was getting three good posts out of each volume! Best Friends feature …

New releases

A Charlie Brown Christmas storybook – for your iPad, iPod, iPoodle, whatever!

I keep thinking that we’re done, we’re finished with new book editions of A Charlie Brown Christmas, but they keep pulling me back in! This time, it’s another do-we-count-this-as-a-book item, as it’s an interactive digital storybook for Apple devices (iPad, iPod, iPhone). Is this the same version as what I …

Classic finds

Is Small World the first stab at Peanuts 2?

Peanuts is almost certainly the most influential humor strip in the history of the medium, but from time to time it has been more than an artistic influence on a creative mind; there have been strips that have pretty clearly tried to be The Next Peanuts, although they’ve had different …

New releases

The Peanuts comic book – a review

I just got a review PDF of the new Peanuts issue 0, which should hit better comic shops on Wednesday. The cover announces New Stories, which is not the more common announcement of All-New Stories, and that difference is there for a reason, as you’ll see. The contents are: “Carnival …

New releases

Not that Charlie Brown times 2

There’s a section of the reference library dedicated to books that have the name Charlie Brown in the title but are not referring to that Charlie Brown. It’s a very small section, with only two or three books in it. And lately, there’s been a category of AAUGH Blog …

New releases

It IS a book adaptation of A Charlie Brown Christmas

Remember when I said that the new book A Charlie Brown Christmas coming from Publications International was going to be a songbook and not an adaptation of the classic TV special? Well, I was half right, but half wrong as well — it’s a songbook and and adaptation! Oh frabjuous …

New releases

Lucy Says

Lucy Says, the latest and penultimate in the Wendy’s Kids’ Meal series, is maybe not quite what you’d expect. Now don’t get me wrong – it is indeed 10 pages of Lucy quotes (eight quotes in all), illustrated with pictures of Lucy. However, it’s not the quotes you might first …

New releases

Charlie Brown’s Hidden Christmas Treasures

The second of the Peanuts Look And Find books, Merry Christmas, Charlie Brown. is in my hands, and this is a book with some nice features for the dedicated Peanuts fan. As noted earlier, this is not a storybook, but a search-the-picture puzzle book. And to answer the lingering earlier …