Classic finds

He’s got more than just a security blanket

The latest addition to the Reference Library is an issue of Linus, an Italian comics magazine that mixes translated English language strips with original Italian material. The magazine launched in 1965, and is still running today – the issue that I grabbed up is from Maggio (May, most likely …

Classic finds

The Theology of Peanuts

For those of you who liked such musings on Peanuts and Christianity as Robert Short’s books The Gospel According to Peanuts and The Parable of Peanuts, Professor Richard Beck of Abilene Christian University has done up his own online book as part of his Experimental Theology  blog: The Theology of …

Classic finds

Peanuts gift catalog

There are a few catalogs of Peanuts items in the reference library – mailed catalogs from Peanuts specialty sources, some book format catalogs of Japanese items, all with tempting things to order. I’ve recently added a catalog of items that I could not actually get, at least not through …

Classic finds

Gilt-edged Parables

The other day, a copy of The Parables of Peanuts, Robert Short’s follow-up to his best-selling The Gospel According to Peanuts, arrived in my mailbox. Now, I already have a copy or two of this in reference library, but not this edition; this is the leather-covered, gilt-edge version. This …

Classic finds

Momentous Peanuts

I wonder what it was like to be working your way through the college textbook Fundamentals of Physics, eight hundred and some pages of very tiny and dry-looking type, when you get to the problem set for chapter 8 (“Conservation of Linear Momentum”) and see there on page 150 the …

Classic finds

A Very Pillowy Peanuts Book

A Very Peanuts Christmas is not quite the largest Peanuts book ever in most dimensions… but it is certainly the fluffiest. It is, after all, a pillow book – and not in the traditional sense of a collection of notes meant to describe a period in one’s life. No, this …

Classic finds

A failure of the most embarrassing sort

I’m sorry. There is so little that you as AAUGH Blog readers expecting. You know I will sometimes misspell, will repeat myself. You know I am capable of a bit of hucksterism. You know I will voice some awkward opinions, and will wield my own sense of “humor” that may …

New releases

The Peanuts Collection reviews

Today is the official release day for The Peanuts Collection. I’ve checked several chain bookstores, and they have it on the shelves. Your local store should as well. What I’ve got here is selections from every single review that I could find for  it. What I find surprising is the …

New releases

Final look at The Peanuts Collection

Let’ s see if we can barrel through the rest of this book in a single post. We’re on page 52 now, and the spread is on “Spike & Company”, covering all of Snoopy’s siblings. My favorite shot on this spread is of the original of an almost-finished single-panel strip …

New releases

A book adaptation of A Charlie Brown Christmas

You can’t be blamed if you thought we were done with new book editions of A Charlie Brown Christmas for the year. Actually, it’s my fault. I said as much, after reviewing both this year’s slightly-different mini edition in a boxed set, and the pop-up edition. But then I saw …