Classic finds

The original Charlie Brown of stage

Today’s Peanuts-related reading was To M*A*S*H and Back, the 2009 autobiography of actor Gary Burghoff. While best known for portraying Radar O’Reilly in the film M*A*S*H and the TV show M*A*S*H and the TV show AfterM*A*S*H and the never-picked-up-for-a-series TV pilot W*A*L*T*E*R, the part of the book that I wanted …

New releases

Complete Peanuts 1983-1984 review

First off, I have to admit that the mid-1980s Peanuts is not, to me, Peanuts at its best.  It’s not a strip of fresh discovery at this point (as it not only was before but also would be again); what new energy is being put into there is focused on …

New releases

My name in French is exactly the same

I just received a copy of Snoopy : Les trésors du chien le plus célèbre du monde, sent to me from the British branch of Amazon. This is the French translation of my book The Peanuts Collection; it always amused me to have books which I’ve written, but cannot read. …

New releases

Peanuts issue 3

The third issue of Kaboom’s Peanuts comic book hits comic shops on Wednesday, but I managed to grab up an early copy at Wondercon, the normally-in-the-San-Francisco-area comic book convention that was in Anaheim this past weekend. (I managed to pass up buying one of the rare #3 covers for $10, …

New releases

Review: Snoopy THE Flying Ace

So I’m working my way through my review copy of The Complete Peanuts 1983-1984 (which I’d hoped to review before Amazon had it in stock, but too late, they’ve got ’em), but other things keep arriving, whispering to me “I’m shorter! Review me first!” Towards that end, today’s delivery brought …

New releases

Peanuts and Astrology

The new book Peanuts & Astrology is, well, largely what you’d think it is from the title. Author Stefano Rubino has identified one Peanuts character whose attributes matches the supposed attributes for each sign of the zodiac, and  discusses the character in terms of the attributes… or, more accurately, discusses …

Classic finds

All I Want for Christmas

The latest addition to the Reference Library (well, one of the latest additions; it arrived on the same day as my preview copy of Complete Peanuts 1983-1984, but that will take some time to read through) is All I Want For Christmas…, a small-but-not-as-small-as-the-small-Hallmark-hardcovers hardcover published by Hallmark in …

New releases

Sparky’s Folks

A new book on Schulz and Peanuts has snuck out in an unusual means. Sparky’s Folks, Dan Shanahan’s reflections on Schulz, Peanuts, and the nature of humor in general, has been published by Czech publisher Togga… and yes, the book is in English. This small, 115 page volume comes across …

Classic finds

Schulz’s other It’s Only A Game

One of the fun things that I get to do here from time to time is to sort out different Schulz books which have the same title, when some publisher either didn’t know or didn’t care that that particular book name had been used before. And now, at this late …

New releases

The New Easter Beagle review

The new book adaptation of It’s the Easter Beagle, Charlie Brown is the latest in a series of hardcover versions of Peanuts animated specials, and like most such things, it’s value of the text is mostly in invoking the special for those who have seen it. Humorous moments are explained, …