An error in The Peanuts Collection

Since I’ve chronicled factual errors in other people’s books about Peanuts, it would be unfair of me not to note when the same has popped up in my own book – in this case, in a caption which I didn’t write, but which I should have caught during the editing process.

Open your copy of The Peanuts Collection (don’t have a copy? They’re still available for more than half off their original price.) On the upper right of page 31, you’ll find a picture of a framed medal award to Schulz, with the words THE AMERICAN ECONOMIC SYSTEM AND YOUR PART IN IT. The caption describes is as having been award to Schulz for his contributions to “The American Economic System and [his] Part in It”, as though he was getting the medal in recognition of his habit of earning and spending American currency. What it’s really thanking Schulz for is his contributions to a booklet entitled “The American Economic System… and Your Part In It”, a government publication illustrated with Peanuts images which I discussed briefly here. I can understand how the caption writer misunderstood the context, but I should have caught the error. I apologize for this imperfection.

Classic finds
TV Guide revelation

The latest addition to the reference library is a TV Guide from February, 1980, which features an article about Peanuts, written by Schulz himself. In it, he discusses why some things work in the strip that don’t work in the animated specials, and he manages to do so in a …

Classic finds
Review: Christmas Gift Certificates for You

When I ordered a copy of the 1981 Hallmark Peanuts product Christmas Gift Certificates for You, I reckoned it would be one of those novelty coupon books, each page removable and offering the recipient a walk in the snow, help taking down the tree, or some Peanuts-y equivalent thereof. I …

Classic finds

 I just picked up the July 1964 issue of Drag Cartoons, a black and white comics magazine focused not on performative gender-bending as the youth must suspect, but on souped-up autos, including not just drag racers but hot rods as well. Did I pick it up because it had a …