New releases

a CLOTH edition as in what

Cider Mill Press had befuddled me a bit by their listing of a new edition of Christmas is Together-Time, one of the pics-and-adages books from the 1960s (a la Happiness is a Warm Puppy), which they described various as a “cloth edition” and a “ragbk edition”. Both of those things …

New releases

Snoopy’s Organic Dog Biscuit Cookbook Kit review

I now have in my grimy little paws Snoopy’s Organic Dog Biscuit Cookbook Kit, a just-released set of a book and three biscuit-cutters. And I have a number of things to note about it: While the cover says that the book is by “Snoopy and the Bubba Rose Biscuit Company” …

Animated Peanuts

an A Charlie Brown Christmas edition by any other name

Apparently, there are now so many book adaptations of A Charlie Brown Christmas that they have to come up with new names to distinguish them, at least judging by the new book A Charlie Brown Christmas Tree. Despite the different title, this is actually this year’s Hallmark entry in the …

New releases

A Charlie Brown Christmas in print nonbookishly

The day after I posted the first A Charlie Brown Christmas adaptation of the year, I’ve got another one… but not only is this one apparently from last year, this one has an asterisk. It’s not a book, it’s a fabric pattern, which shows the story of the classic TV …

New releases

A book adaptation of A Charlie Brown Christmas as the world requested

Fall is here, the kids are back in school, and right on schedule, the first new book edition of A Charlie Brown Christmas is out! This one comes packaged in a little box with a snow globe – it’s not one of those big fancy snow globes you want to …

Classic finds

Great Pumpkin Versus Lamb Of God

People (including Schulz) have used Peanuts to promote various religious views, and here’s another example… well, really promoting a viewpoint how you can promote certain religious views. The Defeasible Pumpkin: An Epiphany in a Pumpkin Patch, originally published by the Interdisciplinary Biblical Research Institute in 1997, features the (blatantly unlicensed) …

New releases

Review – the Complete Peanuts 1985-1986

I’ve seen standup comic Patton Oswalt perform live just once, as part of The J. Keith Van Straaten Show, a non-broadcast talk show that was done in a 99-seat theater. And on that night, he did a bit about Peanuts… but not your usual standup “Boy, that Peppermint Patty  – …

Classic finds

a Peanuts book that never was

There’s a nice post here on a brief piece of correspondence where Schulz shoots down someone proposing a how-to-draw-Peanuts book, noting that “we could never consider such a project”. Of course, such a book has come out in the decades since — How To Draw Peanuts, by Matt Busch.

Classic finds

Too many Peanuts Valentines

I thought that I was being helpful back in 2006 when I told you “There are now two books available called A Peanuts Valentine“… but it turns out I was off by at least one. Until recently, I hadn’t known that back in 1972, Hallmark issued a book by that …

Classic finds

The Other Snoopy

We live in an era when if you want a stuffed Snoopy, you can certainly get a stuffed Snoopy. They are available in all sorts of sizes, textures, colors, with a marvelous range of costumes. But in the mid 1950s, this was not the case. In 1955, with Peanuts becoming …