New releases

One that got away

Normally, an Asian datebook is not something I’d worry about not having in my collection… but I think you’ll see why I reckon that from time to time in the future, I’ll look back and regret not getting this one. It will hurt, but I will try to be srong …

New releases

Snoopy meets Dracula

The development of Print On Demand technology has enabled the publication and international distribution of small projects that previously may not have been seen beyond a handful of photocopies. Such is Dracula Remixed, which is simply a project of a high school English class, with students rewriting portions of Bram …

Classic finds

Comics sans appropriate font

The other day, I praised the Easton Press edition of A Peanuts Valentine, noting that the cover of the fancy edition looked better than the standard edition, but that that wasn’t always the case for their books. Today, I noticed this example of the lesser work: While A Peanuts Valentine …

Classic finds

Lest you think I get everything I want

I just got outbid on this: Look at that! It’s a book and record of The Story of Snoopy and the Red Baron… but apparently with a license just for the song, it’s not a Peanuts item, so no dog in the dogfight… even though Snoopy is specifically described in …

Classic finds

The intriguing Schulz book I missed out on

Chatting online with an AAUGH Blog reader a couple weeks back, the talk turned to things we’d gotten at auction, and things we’d missed out on. In the latter category, my biggest regret was something I’ve brought up here before, a booklet called Golfing — It’s Only A Game, which …

New releases

And you thought it’d be Oopysnay

The latest addition to the Reference Library is Insuperabilis Snupius, a tall-but-short (48 pages), full-color reprint of daily strips… in Latin. Published in 1984 by the European Language Institute (an Italian publishing house that puts out mainly educational materials), this hardcover includes one nice touch that I always like …

New releases

Oooh a review

Okay, I haven’t reviewed Charlie Brown’s Christmas Stocking because I’m hardly objective on it. But in the interest of providing you with pure, objective analysis, I should point out that the Christian Science Monitor called it “the perfect gift book for the holidays” and that the “design of the book …

Classic finds

Peanuts mags from Scottland

Recently added to the Reference Library are a couple of magazines added primarily for their covers. Courtesy of AAUGH Blog reader Scott comes this puzzle magazine which you should still be able to find on the stands, includingA Charlie Brown Christmas within a pantheon of beloved Christmastime entertainment. And …

New releases

Charlie Brown’s Christmas Lists

I’m happy and proud to see that Charlie Brown’s Christmas Stocking, the book I compiled for Fantagraphics, has made gift suggestion lists at both the L.A. Times and the Comics Reporter.

Classic finds

A Charlie Brown Christmas trading card kinda

Last year, Topps put out a set of Americana trading cards, cataloging particularly American moments. Card 91 pays tribute to A Charlie Brown Christmas. Well, sort of. The card has no image from the Christmas special; I suspect it was less a creative preference and more a rights issue (while …