Nat news

What I’ll be selling at Beaglefest

The Peanuts Collectors Club gathering Beaglefest is a week-and-a-half away now. I’ll be there on Saturday, giving a talk and then selling books in the sales area. What will I be selling? The Peanuts Collection – I’ll have about 10 copies of this. Schulz’s Youth – twenty-some copies of this… …

Nat news

Back from the Festival

I had a good time at the L.A. Times Festival of Books – really, I was showing people books and taking people’s money, and those are both things I love to do. I’d like to thank everyone who stopped by – oh, and AAUGH Blog reader Pat? I think I …

Animated Peanuts

a blog post with a special guest appearance

Well, day one of the Los Angeles Times Festival of Books is over. Things are going well. And I sold one copy of The Peanuts Collection to a very special guest: Recognize that boy? No? Of course you wouldn’t. But if he spoke, you might. Young Gabe is the current …

Nat news

Angelenos – come see the AAUGH Blogger in person

For those in the Greater Los Angeles Area (which is so much better than the Lesser Los Angeles Area) really should come by the Los Angeles Times Festival of Books this coming weekend, April 21-22, at USC. Admission is free (though parking, alas, is not), and there will be plenty …

Nat news

Maybe it’s the AAUGH Bloglefest

If you were going to the Peanuts Collectors Club annual Beaglefest this year (and you should; I am told people have quite a good time at them) and if you were going to see me give a talk there (which I hope you would, if you were there, and if …


The way the money falls

That silly annual dead-celebrities-with-the-highest-income list came out this week, and yes, they listed Sparky Schulz again, but to me that list is largely a potent mixture of dubious accuracy and none-of-my-business. But it does set me thinking about how creativity gets rewarded, or doesn’t. Schulz and his family, yes, no …

Nat news

After the convention

This is just a quick note of thanks to any of you reading this blog who stopped by my table at the Wizard World convention in Anaheim this past weekend. I was glad to chat about Peanuts and comics in general, and had lots of fun showing off The Peanuts …

Nat news

Meet the AAUGH Blogger and get free stuff

If anyone’s coming to the Wizard World comics convention in Anaheim, California this coming weekend, please stop by and say hi. I’ll be at table 1914 in Artist’s Alley. And while you’re saying “hi”… If you have a copy of The Peanuts Collection, I’ll be glad to sign it. (A …

Nat news

Inherited Peanuts gene

My son is 20 months old now, and generally hasn’t paid much attention to the TV. That’s starting to change, but still, most of the time if he’s in the room and the TV is on, he’s busy doing something else, often pestering someone to help him page through one …

Nat news

Keeping Snoopy off your bumper

The bad economy – specifically, the California state budget crisis – is apparently slowing down efforts by the state’s museum organization to make an official Snoopy license plate available. My fellow Californians are of course suffering through myriad effects of the budget crisis, but you from out of state can …