Nat news

All the Snoopy cars

As I was driving my car… …to Del Taco the other night, I found myself behind this car… ..and I have no idea who that is, I really wonder. I generally enjoy seeing people’s vanity plates, and I hope others enjoy mine… but I gotta reckon anyone who saw these …

Nat news

Guest-starring me!

I’m a guest on the latest episode of It’s a Podcast, Charlie Brown, which you can listen to here, or download from your favorite podcastorium. (You should listen to the whole thing to introduce yourself to William’s podcast, of course, but if for some reason you want to skip right to …

Nat news

My favorite strange Peanuts books

I had promised that my new video series, Comics Show and Tell with Nat Gertler, would soon get to Peanuts content, and now it has! Take a look at my favorite strange Peanuts books in the Reference Library.

Nat news

Nat’s new video series

I’ve just launched a new video series, Comics Show and Tell with Nat Gertler. This will look at interesting and obscure aspects of comics (broadly considered), from my quirky point of view. The first two episodes (only one of which is released so far) deal with forgotten early African American …

Nat news

Happiness is a foreign book

Happiness is finding that a book you wrote has been translated into another language. Sadness is finding that Amazon lists you as “unknown author”.  


Spot the Dog

I publish things. I also research things. And really, the two efforts are often one and the same: I research stuff and find that it’s worth publishing; I publish stuff and in the process I’m doing research. That all just happened for me with a syndicated comics panel called “Spot” …

Nat news

Meet Peanuts!

One of the complaints that Schulz had about his strip being named Peanuts against his wishes is that it lead some people to think that one of the characters in the strip was named “Peanuts.” That was brought to mind when I read this particular strip in a book that …

Nat news

Be More Charlie Brown impends

I have now received my box of author’s copies of Be More Charlie Brown, which will be officially released next week. This light-hearted self-help book is a follow-up to my earlier (and still available) volume, Be More Snoopy. As I always do with my new Peanuts-related hardcovers, I’m willing to send …

Nat news

How to Draw Cartoons

The latest book I’ve issued with my publishing hat on is a book that has a Schulz link… even though it came out when he was three years old. lHow To Draw Cartoons is a guidebook created by cartoonist Clare Briggs,  one of the comic strip powerhouse of the day …

Nat news

Nat on the radio

I got interviewed about my Peanuts obsession/collection/business by my local NPR station, so my fellow Prius drivers across Ventura County, California (and beyond) got to hear my dulcet tones You can listen to the interview (or read the text version) here.