
Officially unofficial

I just stumbled across as link to referring to it as “the official Peanuts website.” Boy, no. I doubt any of the regular readers are harboring that illusion, but in case you are: this site is independently owned and operated. It does not operate under the control, approval, or …


Index to A Charlie Brown Christmas

If you’ve ever visited my online museum of the various editions of books adapting A Charlie Brown Christmas, you may have found it a long journey to get to anywhere. In the years since I stared it, I’ve added so many editions (there’s over 60 there now) that if you just …


My conflicts of interest

I have been doing the AAUGH Blog (or its email-based predecessor, the Newsletter) for just over two decades now, and as you probably have sensed, I try to give you honest reactions. In the interest of transparency I feel the ethical need to list my conflicts of interest from …


Missing podcast links

For those who heard last week’s podcast and wondered “hey, where are the links that he promised to those other podcasts?”, something apparently went wrong with my saving those links. They have now been added to the Blog entry for that episode.


Help me find this Snoopy golf tournament program

Hey, if anyone knows anyone who has the program for the 1989 AT&T National Pro-Am Golf Tournament pictured here, please get them in touch with me. I could use their help on a legit project. (I don’t need any other volumes, just this one.)


About that Snoople graphic

I’ve gotten a couple of queries about the graphic that accompanied the other’s day blog entry about Apple’s upcoming Peanuts TV projects. To stave off any further questions, no, this is not an official graphic. It’s just something that I goofed together to suggest the intersection between those two things. …


Happy holidays from The AAUGH Blog

So here we are, technically still in the last throes of Hannukah, and with Christmas barreling down upon us and the new year just waiting for it to get out of the way. And I just wanted to thank everyone for another year of being the most important part of …


Flames, redux

It was not so long ago that this blog was tracking the Santa Rosa blazes, with their tragic costs and the things that were spared. Now we here at central have another fire to track, one that may be of less consequence to the Peanuts world, but is kind …


AAUGHtober announcement: The AAUGH Blog Podcast

Remember earlier in the month when I promised you some big AAUGHtober announcement? Well here it is: I have just launched The AAUGH Blog Podcast, a weekly transmission of comment and insight on Peanutsy things from your humble AAUGH Blogger. I’m describing it as “news, muse, and interviews”, although my …


It’s AAUGHtober!

Yes, I am declaring this month AAUGHtober, and have decided that every AAUGHtober, I should do big things here at the AAUGH Blog. I am working on a Big Thing for later in the month – and I’m declaring it publicly so that you readers can kick my butt if …