I have now set up a Bluesky account for The AAUGH Blog — username @aaugh.com — which will automatically post a link to every new blog post here (or at least, every new one with a header image… which I’m taking advantage of here because the people following the account …
Yesterday’s post about socialism accusations being aimed at Peanuts and drawing a parallel to today’s attacks on libraries actually didn’t get much response. Even when I shared a version on social media, I got a mere handful of “likes”. But the one email I got was a doozy. I mean, …
The old AAUGHmobile and I were in a collision a couple weeks back, so say “hi” to the new AAUGHmobile. It’s white with black highlights, so it looks a mite like Snoopy! Meanwhile, I’ve got a fractured wrist, making typing a bit hard, so I’m just summarizing my full usual …
This is the final post to go out on the blog’s twitter feed. Please go to http://blog.AAUGH.com to find other ways you can follow the blog. (Sorry, folks, but the modern Twitter is just something that I need to pull away from.)
The Twitter account with links to each new blog post will soon be closing down. I apologize to the handful of people who are using that to follow the posts here, but doing anything that provides free content for and encourages people to use that service have become untenable. For …
If you’re one of those who has been demanding AAUGH Blog merchandise… well, then, you don’t exist. No one has been demanding AAUGH Blog merchandise. But let’s presume for a moment that such people existed. In fact, you can pretend to be such a person. And let us further presume …
Word is going around that Peter Robbins, who provided the voice of Charlie Brown in A Charlie Brown Christmas and other early specials, died from suicide last week. Robbins had a history of mental struggles, which had played itself out in drug use and earning some time in prison. He was …
I’ve been hearing from folks who get the AAUGH Blog via email, over some formatting issues. The blog entries that have links to Amazon have some little invisible images on them; Amazon uses them to recognize that people are coming from my site and to credit me for your purchases. …
The transition to the new system sending out the blog by email is complete. And to clear up some confusion – everyone who was getting the blog by email on the old system has been transitioned to the new one; no new sign-up is needed. And I’ll take advantage of …
I’m having to switch the service that handles sending out the blog to email subscribers. Those of you getting this by mail will, if all is working (fingers crossed) see this post in your emailbox twice, once from each service. Once I see that that is working, I will remove …