email subscriptions are taken care of

The transition to the new system sending out the blog by email is complete. And to clear up some confusion – everyone who was getting the blog by email on the old system has been transitioned to the new one; no new sign-up is needed.

And I’ll take advantage of this non-Schulzy post to mention that today’s my birthday, and I celebrated by announcing my just-released not-at-all Peanutsy book that I don’t expect anyone to buy (I did it for the technical challenge.)

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Nat news

The AAUGH Blog just donated some items from the Reference Library to the Schulz Museum and Research center. It was always are hope that certain things end up there, but we planned to donate them later in life, or perhaps just leave them in a will, if I ever …

Nat news
Under the influence of The Wolf

I’ve talked about this a bit earlier on this blog, but now I’ve gone and made a whole video about the odd tranformation that the World War II cartoon panel “The Wolf”, aimed at American GIs, slowly evolved into a daily comic strip about a quirky bunch of neighborhood kids …

Nat news
The AAUGH Blogger, [North] Hollywood Consultant

Hello from out here in fire country! There’s a fire in town and we’re still under red-flag warnings for more, but rain is likely this weekend and that should ease things quite a bit. Anyway, amidst all the various forms of confligration at the moment, I have agreed to be …