Just noticed that this Peanuts poster/print/whatever is now selling for about $5 (plus some significant shipping, admittedly.) That’s about 1/3 of the price it was at not long ago. Franklin is violating his panel borders – the rebel!
Added to next year’s books is Everything I Need to Know, I Learned from Peanuts. 128 pages, hardcover, no further details at this time. As always, you can see a list of upcoming books here.
Some of you may recall that Sparky’s son Monte is a novelist, but it’s been a while since we’ve seen a new novel from him… 18 years now, in fact. I knew something’s been in the works, but it’s finally seeing release — this October brings This Side of Jordan, …
We’ve got some more details on the Peanuts 60th anniversary book I’ve been posting about lately: That’s what the publisher is calling it at the moment – The Peanuts 60th Anniverary Book. Nothing about “celebrating”, a term which only shows up on the Amazon listing. The size is 9.5″ x …
Within hours after my last post, the “The” has been knocked off the title listed on Amazon for the 60th anniversary book, making it the more reasonable Celebrating Peanuts.
Want a big Peanuts book? How does 544 pages sound? Thats the solicited length for The Celebrating Peanuts: 60 Years (if that’s really the title – sounds kind of awkward). Coming in October (’round about when Peanuts hits 59 years) this big book also bears a big list price. At …
Just noticed that the $65 two-book boxed hardcover set of Willie & Joe cartoons by Snoopy’s drinking buddy Bill Mauldin is available remaindered for about $20. (And if you’re a classic cartoon fan looking to run up the $25 for free shipping, there’s a remaindered bio of Charles Addams that …
I just added two more books to our Upcoming Peanuts book list: Snoopy and Woodstock: Best Friends and Peanuts Philosophers, both due out about a year from now.
With the new Star Trek movie coming out tomorrow, I thought I’d take a look at this particularly surprising Star Trek reference. What makes it so interesting? The date. This is the strip from February 7th, 1972. That means that it was years after the original Star Trek series had …
So, today I was supposed to be packing up my office, including boxing up the AAUGH.com reference library, preparing for a move. But with life being hectic, I realized I hadn’t actually read the recently released The Complete Peanuts: 1971-1972, so I reckoned that better than spend hours packing, I …