You’re a Good DVD, Charlie Brown

The official announcement came out today: the animated version of You’re a Good Man, Charlie Brown is coming to DVD for the first time in January.

I’ve known for a while that this was coming, because they interviewed me for the new featurette on the making of this special. Don’t be surprised if I’m not in the fina results; I don’t think that I had a lot of useful information to add in this case. (I’ll be more surprised if I’m not on I Want a Dog for Christmas, Charlie Brown, which gets released tomorrow.)

It looks like they’re going to forgo adding a second special to this disk, presumably because this was an hour-long special (which means 48 minutes of show).

Upcoming releases
Snoopy is guiding us to the great outdoors

Coming in October is Snoopy’s Guide to the Great Outdoors, which seems to be a general guide to camping, hiking, and appreciating nature, using your favorite Beagle Scout leader and various other members of the Peanuts crew as your guides. The author is Kristin Mehus-Roe, who seems to usually write about …

Upcoming releases
His bark is worse than his bite

This year’s new Hallmark book for the upcoming Great Pumpkin holiday is Beware the Vampire Beagle! Like other recent such books, it has a single pop-up image in the back. I’ve not yet gotten one, but given that it’s got Rich LaPierre art, it’ll at least look good. 40 SHARES …

Upcoming releases
I really hope they keep this title

Coming in May of next year, as the 18th entry in the series of full color Peanuts strip reprints is…. Snoopy Summer 2025 Kids Collection . Finally, they’ve found a title that has not already been used before! Presumably, that is just a holder title until they fall back on …