You know that big, two-volume hardcover boxed set of Willie & Joe you’ve been lusting after? The one with all those great World War II cartoons by Bill Mauldin, the very same cartoonist that Snoopy used to quaff root beers with each Veterans’ Day? And you look at the $65 …
Well, we know he’s at least three years old. Why do I say that? Well, I just got the new box “kit” set Linus Learns to Share. And as the cover points out, the book includes Linus’s blanket. And according to another part of the cover… …this is a choking …
My pal Scott McGuire notes that CBS is about to reair a one-hour documentary about Snoopy. No, not the dog himself… the blimp, Met Life’s “Snoopy One”. The title is The Best Shot in Golf, and it airs Saturday daytime on CBS. Check your local listings.
Taking advantage of the election season, the folks at Warner Home Video are moving the TV special You’re Not Elected Charlie Brown from its former role as the second feature on Great Pumpkin DVDs to its own lead role on a DVD that comes out in early October. Taking the …
Well, I’ve got my hands on the Peanuts-covered issue of Racer X Illustrated which I mentioned earlier. It’s apparently not on the stands quite yet — I checked my local Borders yesterday, and they still had copies of the previous issue out (which means that the next issue should be …
I’ve heard from someone who is eager to get deep into the nitty-gritty of the publishing history of the Fawcett Crest Peanuts books – getting the public dates of each printing of each book, perhaps the print run, that sort of detail. If anyone out there has already done such …
I just heard from the folks at Racer X Illustrated. They decided to slide me a shot of the cover of their new issue, fresh from the printer. An article from Schulz’s son Craig legitimizes this cover. So keep an eye out at the newsstand for this one!
If you’re one of those folks lucky enough to have tickets for the sold-out San Diego Comic-Con next weekend, you’re in for an interesting treat Saturday, 4:45-5:45 PM: It’s a Great Comic-Con, Charlie Brown— Together for the first time at Comic-Con, Warner Home Video, United Media and the Schulz Estate …
The upcoming A Treasury of Happiness, collecting the material from the eight Happiness Is A Warm Puppy-style gift books, has been delayed until November (from its previous slated August release.)
Just shipped from Fukuoka to the reference library is a Peanuts kanji (Japanese handwriting) workbook. Well, it’s kind of Peanuts. There are Peanuts chracters on the cover, and along the edges of 5 of the 88 interior pages. That’s not to say that there aren’t cartoon characters throughout the …