While doing a web search, I stumbled across the fact that the Smithsonian Institute has a piece of original Schulz art… in their Duke Ellington archives. Since it’s undated, it was probably not an original strip – perhaps Schulz just did a character drawing as a gift for the great …
I thought that the earlier post on the Australian Comic Hits comic was, well, actually more than anyone would want to read on it. But a kind note from AAUGH Blog reader and comic shop owner Jim reminds me that prudence dictates I say a wee bit more. I don’t …
I’m going to send folks over to BN.com for this one, even though (sniff) I don’t get a cent in referal fees from them. But they’ve got the boxed set of Willie & Joe: The World War II Years by Schulz’s pal/idol Bill Mauldin, for less than 1/3 of its …
The latest addition to the AAUGH.com Reference Library (and one of the few items that is not currently in a moving box marked “Peanuts – Various”… makes it so easy to find things!) is this first issue of Comic Hits. Haven’t heard of this Peanuts comic book? I’m not surprised. …
I’m watching an old Jonathan Winters special from the mid-1960s when suddenly, wham, Peanuts reference. Coming back from commercial, the camera pans across a bunch of stuffed Peanuts dolls piled in and around a toy box. Winters appears, saying “a friend of mine, Charlie Schulz, wrote a book about a …
Just noticed that this Peanuts poster/print/whatever is now selling for about $5 (plus some significant shipping, admittedly.) That’s about 1/3 of the price it was at not long ago. Franklin is violating his panel borders – the rebel!
Added to next year’s books is Everything I Need to Know, I Learned from Peanuts. 128 pages, hardcover, no further details at this time. As always, you can see a list of upcoming books here.
Some of you may recall that Sparky’s son Monte is a novelist, but it’s been a while since we’ve seen a new novel from him… 18 years now, in fact. I knew something’s been in the works, but it’s finally seeing release — this October brings This Side of Jordan, …
We’ve got some more details on the Peanuts 60th anniversary book I’ve been posting about lately: That’s what the publisher is calling it at the moment – The Peanuts 60th Anniverary Book. Nothing about “celebrating”, a term which only shows up on the Amazon listing. The size is 9.5″ x …
Within hours after my last post, the “The” has been knocked off the title listed on Amazon for the 60th anniversary book, making it the more reasonable Celebrating Peanuts.