The new editions of Peanuts and More Peanuts, the first two Peanuts books, which are coming from UK publisher Titan are now listed at Amazon. Now, there’s a chance this will be like the Australian Classic Treasury (which Amazon unsurprisingly did not deliver to me but still claims they’re going …
Newly available at your local Hallmark store… well, at least, at the second-most-local Hallmark store around here… is Little Stories, Simple Truths: The Joy of a Peanuts Christmas. This is a collection of Christmas-themed Peanuts dailies, with one-page essays by Molly Wigand introdcing each of five sections. The essays don’t …
So you were wondering how long we would have to go without a fresh book format adaptation of A Charlie Brown Christmas? Well, you can return to spending the time you had focused on that question to instead doing your job or taking care of your family, because the answer is …
Ah, now here is an interesting one – a book offering the work of other creators trying to interpret Peanuts. Peanuts Off Model will ship in September, and promises work by “hit television creators, award-winning cartoonists and best-selling authors” in doing their own take on Schulz’s creation. I’ll be interested to …
I gotta say that the Peanuts “minikits”, little boxed sets with a small toy and often a little minibook, are quite overpriced for what they are at $9.99. But if you want them, That Daily Deal has them today for $3.99 including shipping. If you want Best Friends, Snoopy Flying Ace, or Finger Puppet …
Last year, I found The Big Book of Peanuts Comics, a single volume which collected all of the Peanuts daily strips (i.e., no Sundays) from the 1970s, for sale for about $20 at Costco. A number of you wanted to lay your hands on a copy, but the only place I …
If my house is somehow the only one that survives whatever cataclysm befalls Earth, then the eventual alien archaeologists will have some very odd ideas about what our culture was like. Perhaps they will think this was a chapel dedicated to the study and worship of Snoopy.
While the humor of it is not quite to my taste, I’m still amazed that I’ve never before run into this website devoted to parody Peanuts book covers.
I know what this is, the first recorded audio material in Peanuts history. But I didn’t think I owned a copy. I haven’t gone through my record collection in a long time… but as I’m certain that I’ve never listened to it. I must’ve gotten it sometime after my last …
The third unit of the Intermediate Series of the Charlie Brown’s Career Education Program filmstrips is Think of the Future, Charlie Brown. Charlie Brown and his friends discuss how many of the things in the world today weren’t around 100 years ago, listing various things (although Charlie Brown, in trying to list …