What happens when fun is illegal

Back in 1975, the Department of Commerce put out a booklet called The American Economic System… and Your Part In It. It used a number of Peanuts illustrations along with its text to help explain the economy. Now, materials produced by employees of the US government as part of their work are automatically in the public domain, but the Peanuts work is not. That’s why you can now go here and download the (badly scanned) booklet… with all the pictures removed. Now that’s not very fun, is it?

(If you want to see one panel of art from the book, you can read the write-up I did a decade back.)

Classic finds

I had been lacking books from the Snoopy Museum in Tokyo, so when I saw one one for sale on eBay, I chunked up some money and ordered it. It was a bit more than I like to spend on one book… which is why I was so happy when …

Classic finds
A needle-ssly fine present

Being a) an adult and b) not a Christmasian, it makes sense that I’m not given much in the way of Christmas presents. This year’s haul was just two items, both given by Dr. Mrs. The AAUGH Blogger: a Terry’s Chocolate Orange (yum!), and this Peanuts embroidery book from Japan. …

New releases
Double Love

Simon Spotlight has dropped two books for the Valentine’s Day Shopping Season, and they’re pretty similar. Love is Everywhere, Snoopy! is a board book that is supposed to be Charlie Brown explaining love to Snoopy (who is said to have asked, which raises the usual how-does-Snoopy-communicate-to-Charlie-Brown question.) Charlie Brown answers …