New releases

Two decades worth of good Peanuts news

Last year, I found The Big Book of Peanuts Comics, a single volume which collected all of the Peanuts daily strips (i.e., no Sundays) from the 1970s, for sale for about $20 at Costco. A number of you wanted to lay your hands on a copy, but the only place I …

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a reflection

If my house is somehow the only one that survives whatever cataclysm befalls Earth, then the eventual alien archaeologists will have some very odd ideas about what our culture was like. Perhaps they will think this was a chapel dedicated to the study and worship of Snoopy.

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book cover abuse

While the humor of it is not quite to my taste, I’m still amazed that I’ve never before run into this website devoted to parody Peanuts book covers.

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Things I didn’t know I owned

I know what this is, the first recorded audio material in Peanuts history. But I didn’t think I owned a copy. I haven’t gone through my record collection in a long time… but as I’m certain that I’ve never listened to it. I must’ve gotten it sometime after my last …

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Animated Peanuts

Think of the Future, Charlie Brown

The third unit of the Intermediate Series of the Charlie Brown’s Career Education Program filmstrips is Think of the Future, Charlie Brown. Charlie Brown and his friends discuss how many of the things in the world today weren’t around 100 years ago, listing various things (although Charlie Brown, in trying to list …

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Upcoming releases

Things disappear and things reappear

The upcoming Australian book Peanuts Classic Treasury that appeared in Amazon US’s listings has now disappeared from Amazon. I presume it will still come out in Australia, that it had just gotten improperly listed for sale in the US. Oddly, Amazon wrote me just a few days ago to tell me …

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Animated Peanuts

Peanuts the Movie the Comic Book

Coming next August is Peanuts Movie OGN. Now, for those of you not used to the terminology of the comics business, OGN is short for Original Graphic Novel, a thick comic book that is not just a collection of thinner comic book. So this is a comic book based on a movie based …

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Upcoming releases

Quilty Pleasures, Peanuts style

Coming in January is Peanuts Quilted Celebration, another one for all you crafty folk out there. It has applique designs! A CD-ROM! A foreword by Jeannie Schulz!  All brought to you by the American Quilter’s Society! Am I gonna preorder a copy of this one? Of course I am! Am I going …

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Charlie Brown Christmas cloth book

I received my Charlie Brown Christmas cloth book panels from These are, as I noted, fabric panels with pages to cut out and sew together to make a cloth book. This is a short edition, a mere 8 pages including cover. It’s derived from the Tom Brannon-illustrated Running Press …

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Cookie cutter conundrum

Amazon has let me know that the Peanuts Christmas Cookie Set of three cookie cutters and a recipe book has been pushed back until November… and given how much this product has been pushed back (it was originally supposed to be a 2013 release), I’m not sure that I trust …

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