Peanuts to Peanuts

persontopersonThe mail carrier has just brought me my latest eBay purchase, Happy Birthday Person to Person. For those of you less than about half a century old, “person-to-person” is an old telephone term. You could either call “station-to-station”, which basically means that you get charged for the call when anyone answers the phone, or “person-to-person”, where you get charged a higher price, but only once you reach the specific individual you were trying to call.

In this little 4″ x 5.5″ book from 1972, part of the Hallmark “Thoughtfulness Library” series of basically hard-cover greeting cards, Charlie Brown gets a phone call from someone who tells him he’s wonderful and witty and charming and… SPOILER ALERT … it turns out the call isn’t for him, it’s for you!

I kinda like this cute little books. I kind of wish they were still around for their original use. And still cost $1.

Classic finds

I had been lacking books from the Snoopy Museum in Tokyo, so when I saw one one for sale on eBay, I chunked up some money and ordered it. It was a bit more than I like to spend on one book… which is why I was so happy when …

Classic finds
A needle-ssly fine present

Being a) an adult and b) not a Christmasian, it makes sense that I’m not given much in the way of Christmas presents. This year’s haul was just two items, both given by Dr. Mrs. The AAUGH Blogger: a Terry’s Chocolate Orange (yum!), and this Peanuts embroidery book from Japan. …

New releases
Double Love

Simon Spotlight has dropped two books for the Valentine’s Day Shopping Season, and they’re pretty similar. Love is Everywhere, Snoopy! is a board book that is supposed to be Charlie Brown explaining love to Snoopy (who is said to have asked, which raises the usual how-does-Snoopy-communicate-to-Charlie-Brown question.) Charlie Brown answers …