Upcoming releases

Wormy Weather Peanuts

At the moment, Amazon is claiming that this is the cover to the Peanuts Mad Libs book coming out in October. I suspect it will be changed before release.

Upcoming releases

Queen Lucy’s Tree House

Covers of upcoming books! The Peanuts Great American Adventure series! Do the clicky clicky thing if you want them!

Upcoming releases

Snoopy figure and sticker book

The avalanche of books for the end of the year has not abated, as witness The Peanuts Movie: Snoopy the Flying Ace: Figurine and Sticker Book Kit, which is one of those little boxes that comes with a figurine and a little sixteen page booklet of stickers, thus qualifying it for …

Upcoming releases

Chip Kidd’s Necessary Peanuts Book

Chip Kidd’s new book Only What’s Necessary: Charles M. Schulz and the Art of Peanuts, as now been given a release date – October 20 – and is available for preorder. Intro by Jeff Kinney, contributions from Jeanie Schulz and the mighty Paige Braddock, and pictures, pictures, pictures!

Upcoming releases

Lose the Blanket. Take the Cannoli.

We’ve got covers for a couple of upcoming kids books. Lose the Blanket, Linus ships in October, and Happy Valentine’s Day, Charlie Brown ships in December.  

Upcoming releases

The anniversary of an anniversary

Coming in September is a paperback edition of Celebrating Peanuts, touted as a 65th anniversary book. The original hardcover edition, which has Schulz commentary culled from various sources, was released as a 60th anniversary edition, although they really put it out around the 59th anniversary. For those keeping count – that’s …

Upcoming releases

The language barrier has been broken!

I know you. You were thinking about buying the original Peanuts graphic novel It’s Tokyo, Charlie Brown, but you felt there was something wrong with that. Of course, here are all these kids going to Japan, and everyone’s standing around talking English? That just ain’t right! Something had to be done! The …

Upcoming releases

The Snoopy Treasures cover

A cover image for my upcoming book, The Snoopy Treasures, has now been released, as you can see here. The images for the inside are still being worked on, but there should be plenty of them, so feel free to go ahead and preorder away!

Upcoming releases

Who says Christmas comes but once a year?

Having already announced this year’s new book adaptation of A Charlie Brown Christmas coming from Simon Spotlight (that link is for the Kindle edition, I don’t see one showing up for print yet), I am pleased to announced that there will also be a new edition coming from Running Press Kids. …

Upcoming releases

Crocheting beats quilting

Amazon is telling me that the Peanuts Crochet book and kit which was supposed to ship next month is instead showing up tomorrow! And Peanuts Quilted Celebrations, which was due last month, is instead slated to show up next week. But my mother used to quilt, and if there’s one thing …