Oooh, look at the lovely bookplates I just got. So am I going to stick these in my books? Of course not! That would degrade the condition of both the books and the bookplates themselves! Ah, the disease of collecting… (Oh, note the simplified copyright of “Peanuts Characters copyright 1950.” …
There have been two large-sized adaptations of It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown issued recently, one which used a very flat-color classic-looking take on the images (a Hallmark exclusive), and one which used a lots-of-modeling Photoshop-heavy version (published by Running Press and distributed widely). This new Hallmark edition reprints the …
I now have my copies of The World’s Greatest Beagle Scout, the seventh of the ten-book run of Peanuts books being distributed. It’s a slightly-oddly-c0lored (washed-out looking) series of 5 two-page images describing what Snoopy does with his Beagle Scout troop on an overnight hike. There’s nothing particularly amusing about …
Thanks to alert AAUGH Blog reader Debbie (whose online comic strip “Fluffy & Mervin” you should check out) filling in when my Googlefu was failing me, I now have a copy of the one edition of A Charlie Brown Christmas I was missing: the book and tape edition. Now this …
Makes you want to rush right out a buy a copy for thirty-some bucks, doesn’t it?
I got my copy of Snoopy Loves to Doodle, which is good because my Hallmark doesn’t have that Great Pumpkin book in yet, and my Wendy’s doesn’t have the new Kids Meal book in yet, so I’ve got that itchy Peanuts-books-are-on-their-way feeling, and I needed something to scratch it. But …
Hallmark has a new book edition of It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown, one with the little buttons that you push to make sounds that are part of the story. It’s a close cousin to a similar edition of A Charlie Brown Christmas which they published last year. And they’re …
There are those who say that Christmas is the most special time of year, but I am not among those, for more special to me and my crazed little heart is those times of years when a new book edition of A Charlie Brown Christmas is made available. And these …
I note that a new edition of Young Pillars, the first collection of Schulz’s single panel cartoons for Youth magazine, has popped up on Amazon. Judging by the fact that it had no pre-order listing, that it has no cover image, that it has an odd price ($36.49), and that …
My one-day trip down to the San Diego Comic-Con was loud and crowded and unproductive and yet still worthwhile. I did stop by the Peanuts booth and got the free button of the day – they were all promoting Peanuts on social media sites, and weren’t as cool as the …