
my annual celebrating-the-holidays post

Those of you who have been reading the AAUGH Blog for a while can probably sit back and scan or skip this one. For those of you who are new… well, I generally do this once a year. The holidays impend. Hannukah is just a couple weeks away, Christmas about …


If I were giving a talk about Peanuts

Now to take advantage of our new Facebook link-up: If you were at a talk I was giving on Peanuts, what would you like to hear me talk about? I’m preparing a short talk for Beaglefest, and there’s a few things I’m definitely going to cover, and a few I’m …


The AAUGH Blog is now on Facebook

For all of you folks who don’t remember to regularly come to blogs, I’ve set up an AAUGH Blog page on Facebook. That way, you’ll see when something new has been posted, will be easily able to share, and will even be able to add comments! So if you’re a …


In the interest of accuracy

I am seeing comments suggesting that the Kirby credit on the Avengers movie may not be as small as earlier reports suggested; I have not verified for myself yet. Still, is a good idea.


What is the best of the AAUGH Blog

I’m thinking about adding a little set of links here for newcomers to the blog, listing blog entries that might be particularly interesting, separating out the more entertaining stuff from the more by-the-way “this book has been pushed back on the schedule” type of entries that pop up more often. …


Free shipping even for foreigners

After I posted earlier about the advantages of Amazon Prime, I got an email from one of the blog’s foreign readers, presuming that free shipping was only good for US addresses, which is correct. But that leads me to two thoughts: If you’re looking for free shipping everywhere, try The …


Changing the blog trimmings

With our Amazon deal back in place, I’ve gotten rid of the “tip jar” that was at the left of the blog, both because it felt like I was presenting this blog as a charity of some sort, and because it simply (and expectedly) had no effect, with no tips …


AAUGH Blog back to Amazon

Just a quick note that Amazon has decided to restore as a referer, and as such most of the item links in the blog will once again take you to Amazon. Most of you won’t care, but I know some of you prefer it this way.


The AAUGH Blogger has a quest

As you know, I am sadly maniacal about print adaptations of A Charlie Brown Christmas. I do have every one of the dozens of editions listed in my guide to A Charlie Brown Christmas books. But I have now verified that there is indeed one edition which I do not …


It came to pass

Well, that happened faster than I expected; guess I should’ve been paying more attention. Amazon has chosen to kill payment for its California affiliates. At this point: All the links at the store still work, still send you to Amazon. It won’t generate any money for me, but that’s …