Here’s a first look at the cover for the upcoming adaptation of Be My Valentine, Charlie Brown. It’s got stickers!
For those of you ordering Snoopy’s Reunion or any other of the recent DVD releases, you may want to know that Coco’s Bakery Restaurants are offering some sort of $3 mail-in rebate on it. Of course, you have to go to the restaurant for details… and if you’re not in …
The DVD of Snoopy’s Reunion is now shipping. And don’t overlook the second special on it, It’s Flashbeagle, Charlie Brown. I’ve found that there’s a surprising amount of love out there for the Flashbeagle. And hey, as long as I’m posting – if any of you are comic book people …
AAUGH Blog reader Mark points us to this unique Charlie Brown Christmas item that’s on eBay, in a sale ending in just a few hours: an (apparently) actual script for A Charlie Brown Christmas that was used for rewrites, paste-ups, and the like. At $2500 Buy It Now, this is …
Review: It’s not that Charlie Brown. Charlie Brown Remembers Atlanta: Memoirs of a Public Man is an as-told-to book by an Atlanta politician. Published in 1982, with both a full-color image and a fold-out page with all the members of the all-white, all-male Georgia Senate of the late 1950s and …
Maybe because I’ve done two eight-hour drives in the past three days, but I find myself in a picky mood. And having come back from my travels to find two Peanuts books waiting for me, I may be turning an extra picky eye on them. The first one I looked …
I haven’t gotten a copy yet to review, but since I’ve got nothing better to do in this hotel room while the rest of my family is asleep, I thought I’d note that Security Blankets: How Peanuts Touched Our Lives is now in stock and shipping. You can read few …
I must apologize, dear readers. Here it is, the sixth day of the month, and I’ve yet to do a post about print adaptations of A Charlie Brown Christmas. But come, let me address that now! My guide already had the 1977 book & record set issued by Charlie Brown …
I’m not a Peanuts collector, I’m a Peanuts book collector. The difference is important, because there are far too many Peanuts things out there for me to be a general collector. I haven’t the money, the space, or frankly the inclination to be chasing after Christmas ornaments, toothbrush holders, or …
I just picked up The Easter Beagle Egg Hunt, the new kids book. It’s a light-scale board book with plastic easter egg shapes that peak through the pages, plus one pop-up. The art adaptation is actually quite nice on this one. Six two-page spreads. Not a deeply meaningful or important …