Upcoming Nat stories – and a free offer

So yesterday, Peanuts 12 came out with my longest Peanuts story, “Movie Time”. For those of you who preorder your comic books (which is some of you) and for those of you who buy your Peanuts comics based on whether or not there’s a Nat Gertler story in them (which is likely none of you), it looks like I won’t have any more stories until issue 15… but that one will give you two short Nat tales, one featuring Franklin, the other more of a Lucy-and-Charlie-Brown piece. Both are relatively actiony; a grand total of 7 pages between them.

Issue 16 will bring you another three-pager, with art by Andy Hirsch, who illustrated “Movie Time”.

I’ve got a couple other stories written, but it’s not yet clear what issues they’ll land in.


But hey, if you happen to like my writing, and want to see more, I just released my first prose novella. Stand-in Superstar is a bouncy, racy, humorous tale about a typical guy who suddenly finds himself granted that trappings of Hollywood stardom. Now you can, if you wish, order the print edition from Amazon… but if you want the ebook edition for free, all you have to do is drop me an email at questions@aaugh.com  letting me know what format you want it in (mobi for Kindle, or epub for Nook and just about anything else), and then, if you like the story, tell someone. Offer good for a limited time only.

Nat news
The AAUGH Blogger, [North] Hollywood Consultant

Hello from out here in fire country! There’s a fire in town and we’re still under red-flag warnings for more, but rain is likely this weekend and that should ease things quite a bit. Anyway, amidst all the various forms of confligration at the moment, I have agreed to be …

Nat news
All the Snoopy cars

As I was driving my car… …to Del Taco the other night, I found myself behind this car… ..and I have no idea who that is, I really wonder. I generally enjoy seeing people’s vanity plates, and I hope others enjoy mine… but I gotta reckon anyone who saw these …

Nat news
Guest-starring me!

I’m a guest on the latest episode of It’s a Podcast, Charlie Brown, which you can listen to here, or download from your favorite podcastorium. (You should listen to the whole thing to introduce yourself to William’s podcast, of course, but if for some reason you want to skip right to …