I’ve got the official definite time for that radio appearance I mentioned a while back. On this coming Monday, Jan 31, I’ll be in the studios of KPCC, the biggest public radio station in Southern California, appearing on AirTalk with Larry Mantle. With me in the studio will be “Drabble” creator Kevin Fagan, and calling in will be Jeannie Schulz, and the topic will the “Schulz’s Legacy”.
Larry Mantle has been doing AirTalk for a quarter century now, including the years that I spent living in the station’s home of Pasadena. While the station doesn’t quite reach out to where I’m living now, I’ve spent a fair amount of time over the years listening to Mr. Mantle, so it’ll be a bit odd to be on the other side of this transmission. We’ll be on during the last half hour before noon, and yes, the show will then be available on the website.