New books come out, and Nat goes to Austin

Just a quick catch-up on books now available for immediate shipping:

And the copies of The Complete Peanuts 1967-1968 have actually been printed and genuinely exist, although they’ve not hit the stores yet. I got a copy just the other day, and haven’t had a chance yet to give it the good thorough going-over it deserves; certainly, giving it a flip through reveals both old favorites and one’s I’d not seen before. (Derrick Bang’s list in 50 Years of Happiness indicates that there were some 54 strips from the years represented that had not previously been collected.)

And hey, if any of you are in the Austin, Texas area, I’ll be appearing at Austin Books in April 16th (that’s a week from tomorrow, as I write this.) Stop by and say hi! I’ll mostly be there to promote my comic book work, but I’ll be glad to talk about Schulzstuff. And if you want to familarize yourself with some of my comics work, the entire miniseries of The Factor is available for free download here.

Upcoming releases
Destined to blow up

Puffer Jacket Snoopy is a thing… enough of a thing that I’ll be discussing an item that only barely qualifies for this blog (it comes with a book… a tiny book of stickers.) Amazon is now listing for October release a Desktop Inflatable Puffer Jacket Snoopy. It’s one of the …

Upcoming releases
The Return of What’s Necessary

Coming in April is a reissue of Only What’s Necessary, Chip Kidd’s second book on the art of Peanuts, reissued for the 75th anniversary of the strip. (My review of the original 2015 edition is here.) For those keeping track, this is the third cover for this book. Here are the …

Nat news
The AAUGH Blogger, [North] Hollywood Consultant

Hello from out here in fire country! There’s a fire in town and we’re still under red-flag warnings for more, but rain is likely this weekend and that should ease things quite a bit. Anyway, amidst all the various forms of confligration at the moment, I have agreed to be …