A Look at the Unseen Peanuts – plus Nat in San Diego

Unseen Peanuts coverLest you think Fantagraphics has no love for the Peanuts book collector nerds among us, let me show you the real cover (as opposed to the original preview cover) of The Unseen Peanuts, which will be available for free on Free Comic Book Day (Saturday, May 5th) at many, many comic book stores.

That’s right – it’s their take on the old Holt, Rinehart, and Winston book covers, made shocking by the inclusion of Charlotte Braun – the character who hadn’t appeared in any of the Peanuts books before The Complete Peanuts, whose very existence was little more than a trivia question (although she qualified for her own Wikipedia entry, which I suppose says more about Wikipedia than about Charlotte), gets her own cover! You can look up Free Comic Book Day locations at www.FreeComicBookDay.com – not all of them will be giving away The Unseen Peanuts, but many will.

And speaking of Free Comic Book Day, those of you in the San Diego area will have a chance to see how horribly ordinary a Schulz book blogger appears. I will be appearing at Comickaze Comics & More, 5517 A/B Clairemont Mesa Boulevard. I’m not exactly one of the most famous comic book creators (although I qualify for my own Wikipedia entry, which I suppose says more about Wikipedia than about me), but I’ll be gladly signing comics. I’ll have about a hundred copies of the first issue of Licensable BearTM to give away (and issues 2 and 3 to sell, in addition to some of my other comics works). If I remember, I’ll drag along a preview copy of Schulz’s Youth to show off. I should even have some Schulz’s Youth ad postcards to remind you to come back to Comickaze and buy the book when it comes out.

So stop on by and say hi! Think about it… free comic books. What more could you want?

Nat news
All the Snoopy cars

As I was driving my car… …to Del Taco the other night, I found myself behind this car… ..and I have no idea who that is, I really wonder. I generally enjoy seeing people’s vanity plates, and I hope others enjoy mine… but I gotta reckon anyone who saw these …

Upcoming releases
2025 in Peanuts

Happy New Year, all you AAUGH Blog Readers! 2025 has come, like it or not, and it brings with it the 75th anniversary of Peanuts! Now, we’ve seen at least some attempts to play off 0f the big anniversary year since at least last summer, more than a full year …

Upcoming releases
A book I’d not expected to resurface

Back in 2011, Schulz’s granddaughter Dena Hodges issued the first two chapters of  a memoir called In the Shadow of the Family Dog. As I noted in my review at the time, the chapter and the description of the project made it clear that the focus was her relationship with …